Current Version
Region | Norway |
Issue | Blood donations by MSMs |
Status | Banned (indefinite deferral) |
Start Date | (unknown) |
End Date | Mar 31, 2017 |
Description | Indefinitely banned. |
Sources | |
Revision History (2)
Old Value (Original) | New Value (Current) | |
End Date | (none) | Mar 31, 2017 |
Description | Indefinitely banned. |
created by robertshippey
0 Original entry | |
Status | Banned (indefinite deferral) |
Start Date | (unknown) |
End Date | (none) |
Description | (empty) |
Sources | |
Reports (15)
- Newer law has been passed
- Status is not correct
- Status is not correct "Its a 12 month defferial period"
- Newer law has been passed "Helsedirektoratet besluttet i 2016 at fra 1. april 2017 kan menn som har hatt sex med menn og personer som har solgt seksuelle tjenester aksepteres som blodgivere når det har gått minst 12 måneder siden siste seksuelle kontakt.
In 2016 the Norwegian Directorate of Health decided that from 1st of April 2017, men who had had sex with other men, and men who had sold themselves sexually, would be accepted blood donors, when there'd been at least 12 months since last sexual contact."
- Status is not correct "Only gay men hacking sex with men is illegal "
- Status is not correct "lefal, but deferral is now 12 months "
- Status is not correct "In Norway, MSM was previously banned from donating blood, however in June 2016 the Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs announced it would end the ban. A 1 year deferral period was implemented on 1 June 2017."
- Status is not correct "
"Helsedirektoratet besluttet i 2016 at fra 1. april 2017 kan menn som har hatt sex med menn og personer som har solgt seksuelle tjenester aksepteres som blodgivere når det har gått minst 12 måneder siden siste seksuelle kontakt. "
"12. Menn som har hatt sex med menn siste året. Kvinner som har hatt seksuell kontakt med menn som har hatt sex med menn, får minimum 6 måneders karantene etter siste seksuelle kontakt."
It is a bit unclear, but if you are lesbian that has not had sex with a man who has sex with a man, you can donate. If you are a gay man and have had sex, but over 12 months ago (first link, 2nd lik say 6 months), you can. Otherwise you have to wait."
- Status is not correct "Men who have sex with men are allowed to donate, as long as they have not had sexual intercourse with another man within the last 12 months."
- Newer law has been passed "Indefinite deferral has been changed to a one year deferral and legal since January 2017."
- Status is not correct "one year deferal period then legal"
- Status is not correct "On 1 June 2017, the new 1 year deferral period was implemented.
- Status is not correct "1 year defferal period"
- Newer law has been passed "On 1 June 2017, the new 1 year deferral period was implemented. Since that date, gay and bisexual men can donate blood in Norway, similarly to most of Western Europe.[25]
- Status is not correct "It has been updated to illegal with 1 year deferral."