Entry #77: Same-sex marriage in Mexico

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
StatusVaries by Region
Start Date2010
End DateDec 31, 2022
Description23/31 States of Mexico (and Mexico City) recognize same-sex marriage.
SourcesGrillo, Ioan. "Mexico City's Revolutionary First: Gay Marriage." Time 24 Dec. 2009: n. pag. Web. 20 Aug. 2013.

Revision History (6)

edited by BlkPride. Fixing this 2-month gap.

Old Value New Value (Current)
End DateOct 27, 2022Dec 31, 2022
SourcesGrillo, Ioan. "Mexico City's Revolutionary First: Gay Marriage." Time 24 Dec. 2009: n. pag. Web. 20 Aug. 2013.Grillo, Ioan. "Mexico City's Revolutionary First: Gay Marriage." Time 24 Dec. 2009: n. pag. Web. 20 Aug. 2013.
Show Difference
Grillo, Ioan. "Mexico City's Revolutionary First: Gay Marriage." Time 24 Dec. 2009: n. pag. Web. 20 Aug. 2013. "Mexico City's Revolutionary First: Gay Marriage." Time 24 Dec. 2009: n. pag. Web. 20 Aug. 2013.

edited by _it4_

Old Value New Value
Special Status(REMOVED)Varies by Region
End Date(none)Oct 27, 2022

edited by Ro_Guy

Old Value New Value
DescriptionRecognized in 32/32 states23/31 States of Mexico (and Mexico City) recognize same-sex marriage.
Show Difference
Recognized in 32/32 states 23/31 States of Mexico (and Mexico City) recognize same-sex marriage.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Same sex Marriage is legal in all of Mexico now"

edited by Hearts4Al

Old Value New Value
Start DateDec 21, 20092010
DescriptionRecognized in 31/31 states; Several states (Oaxaca, Mérida and Chihuahua) have now performed same-sex marriages via judicial proceedings/ court order.Recognized in 32/32 states
Show Difference
Recognized in 31/31 states; Several states (Oaxaca, Mérida and Chihuahua) have now performed same-sex marriages via judicial proceedings/ court order. 32/32 states
SourcesGrillo, Ioan. "Mexico City's Revolutionary First: Gay Marriage." Time 24 Dec. 2009: n. pag. Web. 20 Aug. 2013.Grillo, Ioan. "Mexico City's Revolutionary First: Gay Marriage." Time 24 Dec. 2009: n. pag. Web. 20 Aug. 2013.
Show Difference
Grillo, Ioan. \"Mexico City\'s Revolutionary First: Gay Marriage.\" Time 24 Dec. 2009: n. pag. Web. 20 Aug. 2013. "Mexico City's Revolutionary First: Gay Marriage." Time 24 Dec. 2009: n. pag. Web. 20 Aug. 2013.

edited by vviet93

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionRecognized in 31/31 states; performed only in the Federal District of MexicoRecognized in 31/31 states; Several states (Oaxaca, Mérida and Chihuahua) have now performed same-sex marriages via judicial proceedings/ court order.
Show Difference
Recognized in 31/31 states; performed only in the Federal District of Mexico Several states (Oaxaca, Mérida and Chihuahua) have now performed same-sex marriages via judicial proceedings/ court order.
Reports (12)
  • Other "There are 32 (thirty-two) states in Mexico, not 31"
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct "Merida is a city, not a state"
  • Status is not correct "Merida is not a state"
  • Status is not correct "Civil Unions. Legal in all states but not at fedral level."
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct "In 2009 same sex marriage was only recognized in Mexico City. In August 2010 it was recognized in all 31 states and the capital "
  • Status is not correct "In Mexico only some states practice gay marriage "
  • Status is not correct "Marriage is recognized in all states of Mexico, though only performed without judicial approval only in Mexico City and the States of Campeche, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Morelos, Nayarit and Quintana Roo. Note that Merida is not a state in Mexico."
  • Status is not correct "Merida is a city, not a state. It is a city in the state of Yucatan."
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct "It isn't performed in most states, only recognized."

created by maxkasun

Original entry
Start DateDec 21, 2009
End Date(none)
DescriptionRecognized in 31/31 states; performed only in the Federal District of Mexico
SourcesGrillo, Ioan. "Mexico City's Revolutionary First: Gay Marriage." Time 24 Dec. 2009: n. pag. Web. 20 Aug. 2013.
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct
  • Newer law has been passed "Several states (Oaxaca, Mérida and Chihuahua) have now performed same-sex marriages via judicial proceedings/ court order. "