Entry #756: Right to change legal gender in Germany

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start DateSep 10, 1980
End DateJan 28, 2011
DescriptionSection 8 § 1 of the German Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of September 10, 1980) states that transgender people can change their first names and gender entry under the condition of gender-affirming surgery, sterilization, and divorce.

Revision History (8)

edited by Samanthos. comma removed

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionSection 8, § 1 of the German Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of September 10, 1980) states that transgender people can change their first names and gender entry under the condition of gender-affirming surgery, sterilization, and divorce.Section 8 § 1 of the German Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of September 10, 1980) states that transgender people can change their first names and gender entry under the condition of gender-affirming surgery, sterilization, and divorce.
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Section 8, § 1 of the German Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of September 10, 1980) states that transgender people can change their first names and gender entry under the condition of gender-affirming surgery, sterilization, and divorce. 8 § 1 of the German Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of September 10, 1980) states that transgender people can change their first names and gender entry under the condition of gender-affirming surgery, sterilization, and divorce.

edited by Samanthos. specified conditions

Old Value New Value

edited by Samanthos. specified conditions

Old Value New Value
DescriptionGermans can change their first names and gender entry under the condition of gender-affirming surgery. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980) Section 8, § 1 of the German Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of September 10, 1980) states that transgender people can change their first names and gender entry under the condition of gender-affirming surgery, sterilization, and divorce.
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Germans can change their first names and gender entry under the condition of gender-affirming surgery. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980) Section 8, § 1 of the German Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of September 10, 1980) states that transgender people can change their first names and gender entry under the condition of gender-affirming surgery, sterilization, and divorce.

edited by Samanthos. Grammar, accurized

Old Value New Value
DescriptionGermans can change their name and gender with the condition of gender-affirming surgery. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980) Germans can change their first names and gender entry under the condition of gender-affirming surgery. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980)
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Germans can change their name and gender with the condition of gender-affirming surgery. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980) first names and gender entry under the condition of gender-affirming surgery. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980)

edited by Samanthos. Clarification in description

Old Value New Value
DescriptionGermans can change their name and gender. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980) Germans can change their name and gender with the condition of gender-affirming surgery. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980)
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Germans can change their name and gender. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980) gender with the condition of gender-affirming surgery. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980)

edited by Samanthos. Formatting

Old Value New Value
DescriptionGermans can change their name and gender. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980) Germans can change their name and gender. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980)
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Germans can change their name and gender. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980) Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980)

edited by vviet93

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(none)Jan 28, 2011

created by murrayhawthorne

Original entry
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start DateSep 10, 1980
End Date(none)
DescriptionGermans can change their name and gender. Article 1 of Transsexuellengesetz (Transsexuals Act of 10 September 1980)
Reports (5)
  • Status is not correct "Surgery is not any more required as of 2011. (done it without surgery for myself) see also: § 8 Abs. 1 Nr. 3 u. 4: Nach Maßgabe der Entscheidungsformel mit GG unvereinbar und bis zum Inkrafttreten einer gesetzlichen Neuregelung nicht anwendbar gem. BVerfGE v. 11.1.2011 I 224 - 1 BvR 3295/07 § 8 Abs. 1 Nr. 1: Nach Maßgabe der Entscheidungsformel mit d. GG unvereinbar und daher nichtig, BVerfGE v. 16.3.1982 I 619 - 1 BvR 938/81 -"
  • Newer law has been passed "The federal constitutional court of Germany had passed a bill in 2011 that the requirement for surgery is a breach of human rights and thus unconstitutional. The concerned paragraph in the German transgender law may no longer be applied. Since then we are waiting on the government to pass an updated law. But that's nowhere in sight."
  • Status is not correct "https://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen/EN/2011/bvg11-007.html In 2011, The German Supreme Court ruled the surgery/forced sterilization to be unconstitutional. "
  • Newer law has been passed "The Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) ruled paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 8 of the Transsexuellengesetz unconstitutional on 11.01.2011, so that they are not applicable since then. This means that a change of a person's legal gender without surgery is possible, even though the Transsexuellengesetz states otherwise. (Source: https://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/entscheidungen/rs20110111_1bvr329507.html)"
  • Status is not correct "Actually this is not correct from the point i know. i am myself transgender and going through the steps now. the right to change the gender possible without a surgery. as you can read in the article https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transsexuellengesetz section Voraussetzungen für die Änderung des Vornamens und die personenstandsrechtliche Geschlechtszuordnung "