Entry #699: Same-sex adoption in Minnesota

Current Version

IssueSame-sex adoption
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionJoint adoption is not explicitly prohibited, though no formal law states it is legal, and no state court has ruled on the issue. Second parent adoption by a same-sex partner is not explicitly prohibited by state law, and several lower courts in Hennepin and Atkins counties have allowed second parent adoptions to take place.
Minnesota §259.22

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Revision History (2)

edited by imullin01

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
DescriptionJoint adoption is not explicitly prohibited, though no formal law states it is legal, and no state court has ruled on the issue. Second parent adoption by a same-sex partner is not explicitly prohibited by state law, and several courts have allowed second parent adoptions to take place.Joint adoption is not explicitly prohibited, though no formal law states it is legal, and no state court has ruled on the issue. Second parent adoption by a same-sex partner is not explicitly prohibited by state law, and several lower courts in Hennepin and Atkins counties have allowed second parent adoptions to take place.
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Joint adoption is not explicitly prohibited, though no formal law states it is legal, and no state court has ruled on the issue. Second parent adoption by a same-sex partner is not explicitly prohibited by state law, and several courts have allowed second parent adoptions to take place. lower courts in Hennepin and Atkins counties have allowed second parent adoptions to take place.
Minnesota §259.22
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http://www.hrc.org/laws-and-legislation/entry/minnesota-adoption-law http://www.hrc.org/laws-and-legislation/entry/minnesota-adoption-law www.lambdalegal.org/states-region/minnesota Minnesota §259.22

created by imullin01

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionJoint adoption is not explicitly prohibited, though no formal law states it is legal, and no state court has ruled on the issue. Second parent adoption by a same-sex partner is not explicitly prohibited by state law, and several courts have allowed second parent adoptions to take place.