Entry #682: Serving openly in military in Singapore

Current Version

IssueServing openly in military
StatusDon't Ask, Don't Tell
Start Date(unknown)
End Date1990
DescriptionIf declared, it previously led to a medically downgraded status of Physical Employment Status C (PES C), and put through a modified Basic Military Training.

On graduation, they are deployed in a vocation which has no security risks, posted to non-sensitive units and given a security status which restricts their access to classified documents.

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Revision History (3)

edited by gerwynharry. copyedit

Old Value New Value (Current)
Value(REMOVED)Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Special StatusAmbiguousDon't Ask, Don't Tell
End DateJan 1, 20171990
DescriptionMedically downgraded to a Physical Employment Status of C (PES C), and put through modified Basic Military Training. On graduation, they are deployed in a vocation which has no security risks, posted to non-sensitive units and given a security status which restricts their access to classified documents.If declared, it previously led to a medically downgraded status of Physical Employment Status C (PES C), and put through a modified Basic Military Training.

On graduation, they are deployed in a vocation which has no security risks, posted to non-sensitive units and given a security status which restricts their access to classified documents.
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Medically downgraded to a Physical Employment Status of C (PES C), and put through modified Basic Military Training. On graduation, they are deployed in a vocation which has no security risks, posted to non-sensitive units and given a security status which restricts their access to classified documents. If declared, it previously led to a medically downgraded status of Physical Employment Status C (PES C), and put through a modified Basic Military Training. On graduation, they are deployed in a vocation which has no security risks, posted to non-sensitive units and given a security status which restricts their access to classified documents.
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http://sgwiki.com/wiki/Discrimination_against_homosexuals_in_Singapore http://www.fridae.asia/gay-news/2002/09/03/1097.serving-singapore-as-a-gay-man-part-3-of-3?n=sec http://www.fridae.asia/gay-news/2002/09/03/1097.serving-singapore-as-a-gay-man-part-3-of-3?n=sec

edited by Pizzaslices412653

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(none)Jan 1, 2017

created by zxzxlch

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionMedically downgraded to a Physical Employment Status of C (PES C), and put through modified Basic Military Training. On graduation, they are deployed in a vocation which has no security risks, posted to non-sensitive units and given a security status which restricts their access to classified documents.
Sourceshttp://sgwiki.com/wiki/Discrimination_against_homosexuals_in_Singapore http://www.fridae.asia/gay-news/2002/09/03/1097.serving-singapore-as-a-gay-man-part-3-of-3?n=sec
Reports (2)
  • Other "Transgender women are still required to serve under an arbitrary standard of femininity until it can be proven through either a psychologist's letter or physical changes under HRT that one is transgender. "
  • Status is not correct "singapore is not part of malaysia"