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Last Version
Region | (deleted region) |
Issue | Right to change legal gender |
Status | Legal, no restrictions |
Start Date | Jan 1, 2012 |
End Date | Jul 18, 2018 |
Description | Under Recent ruling by the Federal Government. Missing non binary options on documents. |
Sources | No |
Reports (8)
- Newer law has been passed "it varies! (note: all of these passed in the year 2017)
passports have an X option.
British Columbia healthcards have a U option.
Ontario healthcards no longer have a gender indicator. Licenses can display X instead of M or F.
In Northwest Territories, an X can be used on a birth certificate."
- Status is not correct "Canada DOES reconize Non-Bianary's. I have no sources but I live in Canada and whenever you have to put your legal gender the options are: Male, Female, Non-Bianary, and Other/Prefer not to say. "
- Status is not correct "Legal, Surgery not required as well as third party acsess."
- Other "Canada reconizes Non-Bianary peoples. Canada has full gender equality."
- Newer law has been passed "Non-binary gender markers recognized federally and in several provinces.
Explicit prohibition from discrimination on basis of gender identity or expression passed in every jurisdiction."
- Other "This is incorrect. It is illigal across Canada."
- Newer law has been passed "Nonbinary passports are now available, drivers licenses and birth certificates vary by province"
- Status is not correct "Alberta requires surgery to change gender on I.D cards"