Entry #6391: Right to change legal gender in (deleted region)

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Last Version

Region(deleted region)
IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, no restrictions
Start DateJan 1, 2012
End DateJul 18, 2018
DescriptionUnder Recent ruling by the Federal Government. Missing non binary options on documents.
Reports (8)
  • Newer law has been passed "it varies! (note: all of these passed in the year 2017) passports have an X option. British Columbia healthcards have a U option. Ontario healthcards no longer have a gender indicator. Licenses can display X instead of M or F. In Northwest Territories, an X can be used on a birth certificate."
  • Status is not correct "Canada DOES reconize Non-Bianary's. I have no sources but I live in Canada and whenever you have to put your legal gender the options are: Male, Female, Non-Bianary, and Other/Prefer not to say. "
  • Status is not correct "Legal, Surgery not required as well as third party acsess."
  • Other "Canada reconizes Non-Bianary peoples. Canada has full gender equality."
  • Newer law has been passed "Non-binary gender markers recognized federally and in several provinces. Explicit prohibition from discrimination on basis of gender identity or expression passed in every jurisdiction."
  • Other "This is incorrect. It is illigal across Canada."
  • Newer law has been passed "Nonbinary passports are now available, drivers licenses and birth certificates vary by province"
  • Status is not correct "Alberta requires surgery to change gender on I.D cards"

Revision History (2)

edited by FCBSIX

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
End DateNov 1, 2017Jul 18, 2018
DescriptionUnder Recent ruling by the Federal Government.Under Recent ruling by the Federal Government. Missing non binary options on documents.
Show Difference
Under Recent ruling by the Federal Government. Missing non binary options on documents.