Entry #488: Homosexual activity in Mauritania

Current Version

IssueHomosexual activity
StatusIllegal (death penalty as punishment)
Start DateJul 9, 1983
End DateJan 1, 1987
DescriptionIllegal, public execution by stoning for men, [not enforced]; prison and fines for women
Mauritanian representatives informed the United Nations that executions have effectively been suspended since 1987.
On April 27, 2018, the National Assembly approved legislation replacing article 306 of the Criminal Code, mandating the death penalty for individuals convicted of "blasphemous speech" and "sacrilegious" acts. However, the death penalty for homosexual acts has not been enforced since 1986. The law removes the option, previously available under article 306, to substitute prison sentences for death penalties for certain apostasy-related offenses upon prompt repentance. Additionally, the law broadens the death penalty's reach to include "renegade acts."

Revision History (9)

edited by Unknownmiles. moratorium put in place

Old Value New Value (Current)
End Date(none)Jan 1, 1987

edited by Unknownmiles. Changing to death penalty to match Saudi Arabia for example because in Saudi the death penalty has not been enforced for a long time but it is still labeled as death penalty

Old Value New Value
ValueIllegal (other penalty)Illegal (death penalty as punishment)

edited by Unknownmiles. Adding a lot more info and new link

Old Value New Value
DescriptionIllegal, public execution by stoning for men, [not enforced]; prison and fines for women
Mauritanian representatives informed the United Nations that executions have effectively been suspended since 1987.
Illegal, public execution by stoning for men, [not enforced]; prison and fines for women
Mauritanian representatives informed the United Nations that executions have effectively been suspended since 1987.
On April 27, 2018, the National Assembly approved legislation replacing article 306 of the Criminal Code, mandating the death penalty for individuals convicted of "blasphemous speech" and "sacrilegious" acts. However, the death penalty for homosexual acts has not been enforced since 1986. The law removes the option, previously available under article 306, to substitute prison sentences for death penalties for certain apostasy-related offenses upon prompt repentance. Additionally, the law broadens the death penalty's reach to include "renegade acts."
Show Difference
Illegal, public execution by stoning for men, [not enforced]; prison and fines for women Mauritanian representatives informed the United Nations that executions have effectively been suspended since 1987. 1987. On April 27, 2018, the National Assembly approved legislation replacing article 306 of the Criminal Code, mandating the death penalty for individuals convicted of "blasphemous speech" and "sacrilegious" acts. However, the death penalty for homosexual acts has not been enforced since 1986. The law removes the option, previously available under article 306, to substitute prison sentences for death penalties for certain apostasy-related offenses upon prompt repentance. Additionally, the law broadens the death penalty's reach to include "renegade acts."
Show Difference
https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/mauritania/ https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/mauritania/ https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/05/04/mauritania-mandatory-death-penalty-blasphemy

edited by Unknownmiles. Updating description

Old Value New Value
DescriptionIllegal, Execution for men, [not enforced]; prison and fines for womenIllegal, public execution by stoning for men, [not enforced]; prison and fines for women
Mauritanian representatives informed the United Nations that executions have effectively been suspended since 1987.
Show Difference
Illegal, Execution for men, [not enforced]; prison and fines for women public execution by stoning for men, [not enforced]; prison and fines for women Mauritanian representatives informed the United Nations that executions have effectively been suspended since 1987.

edited by morgan_08b. statut correction

Old Value New Value
ValueIllegal (death penalty as punishment)Illegal (other penalty)
DescriptionDeath penaltyIllegal, Execution for men, [not enforced]; prison and fines for women
Show Difference
Death penalty Illegal, Execution for men, [not enforced]; prison and fines for women

edited by johnteg. correction made

Old Value New Value
ValueIllegal (other penalty)Illegal (death penalty as punishment)
DescriptionMale homosexuality is punishable by stoning; female homosexuality is punishable by fines or imprisonmentsDeath penalty
Show Difference
Male homosexuality is punishable by stoning; female homosexuality is punishable by fines or imprisonments Death penalty

edited by qcksws. edited source, website was closing down and page was not found

Old Value New Value
Show Difference
http://www.refugeelegalaidinformation.org/mauritania-lgbti-resources https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/mauritania/

edited by qcksws. edited the status as it was not correlating with sources or desc provided

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueIllegal (death penalty as punishment)Illegal (other penalty)

created by vviet93

Original entry
StatusIllegal (death penalty as punishment)
Start DateJul 9, 1983
End Date(none)
DescriptionMale homosexuality is punishable by stoning; female homosexuality is punishable by fines or imprisonments
Reports (4)
  • Status is not correct "Illegal (other penalty): Capital punishment for men, (not enforced); prison and a fine for women"
  • Status is not correct "Penalty: Execution for men, [not enforced]; prison and fines for women"
  • Status is not correct "it it legal. get rid of the current status for Mauritania. "
  • Status is not correct "death penalty not applied but illegal"