Entry #280: in region

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Last Version

Start DateSep 14, 1948
End Date(none)
DescriptionNo information is provided on homosexual people in the military, as opposed to situational behavior, or whether top/bottom distinctions impact legality or enforcement.
SourcesHassig and Oh (2009) The Hidden People of North Korea
Martin (2006) Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader, p. 521

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Revision History (5)

edited by Ratabzoo. Not full enough to cover the scope of the situation. Status changed to "ambiguous"

Old Value New Value (Current)

edited by Ratabzoo

Old Value New Value
DescriptionNorth Koreans serving in the military are required to maintain 10 (ten) years of celibacy . Homosexual behavior in the military has been described as situational behavior rather than a genuine behavior. Therefore, with no other appropriate label, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is assumed to be the most accurate status.No information is provided on homosexual people in the military, as opposed to situational behavior, or whether top/bottom distinctions impact legality or enforcement.
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North Koreans serving in the military are required to maintain 10 (ten) years of celibacy . Homosexual behavior in the military has been described as situational behavior rather than a genuine behavior. Therefore, with no other appropriate label, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is assumed to be the most accurate status. No information is provided on homosexual people in the military, as opposed to situational behavior, or whether top/bottom distinctions impact legality or enforcement.

edited by maddyksf

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguous(REMOVED)
Reports (3)
  • All information is correct, just adding sources "Don't ask don't tell may be in place practically to some extent, but North Korean sources suggest that homosexuality is effectively illegal in the military "
  • All information is correct, just adding sources "Don't ask don't tell may be in place practically to some extent, but North Korean sources suggest that homosexuality is effectively illegal in the military "
  • Other "An "assumption" isnt a valid reason to set the status as don't ask don't tell"

edited by DuffdeNecker

Old Value (Original) New Value
Special Status(REMOVED)Ambiguous

edited by DuffdeNecker

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguous(REMOVED)
DescriptionNorth Koreans serving in the military are required to maintain 10 (ten) years of celibacy . Homosexual behavior in the military has been described as situational behavior rather than a genuine behavior.North Koreans serving in the military are required to maintain 10 (ten) years of celibacy . Homosexual behavior in the military has been described as situational behavior rather than a genuine behavior. Therefore, with no other appropriate label, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is assumed to be the most accurate status.
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North Koreans serving in the military are required to maintain 10 (ten) years of celibacy . Homosexual behavior in the military has been described as situational behavior rather than a genuine behavior. Therefore, with no other appropriate label, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is assumed to be the most accurate status.
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "It is legal."
  • Status is not correct "Don't ask don't tell"