Entry #249: Homosexual activity in Germany

Current Version

IssueHomosexual activity
Start DateSep 1, 1969
End DateJun 11, 1994
DescriptionSection 175 of the Criminal Code was relaxed for persons over 21 years in East Germany in 1968, with West Germany following suit in 1969. However, although this meant that homosexual activity between men was decriminalized, it was not made legal.

Revision History (5)

edited by Samanthos. Grammar fixed, age added to description, source to law added

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start Date1969Sep 1, 1969
End Date1994Jun 11, 1994
DescriptionParagraph 175 was relaxed in East Germany in 1968, with West Germany following suit in 1969. However, although this meant that homosexual activity between men was decriminilized, it was not made legal.Section 175 of the Criminal Code was relaxed for persons over 21 years in East Germany in 1968, with West Germany following suit in 1969. However, although this meant that homosexual activity between men was decriminalized, it was not made legal.
Show Difference
Paragraph 175 was relaxed in East Germany in 1968, with West Germany following suit in 1969. However, although this meant that homosexual activity between men was decriminilized, it was not made legal. Section 175 of the Criminal Code was relaxed for persons over 21 years in East Germany in 1968, with West Germany following suit in 1969. However, although this meant that homosexual activity between men was decriminalized, it was not made legal.
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http://www.academia.edu/402849/_Decriminalization_Seduction_and_Unnatural_Desire_in_East_Germany_ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-40380064 http://www.academia.edu/402849/_Decriminalization_Seduction_and_Unnatural_Desire_in_East_Germany_ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-40380064 https://lexetius.com/StGB/175,5

edited by Jackninja5

Old Value New Value
ValueIllegal (other penalty)Legal

edited by beeurd

Old Value New Value
DescriptionParagraph 175 was repealed in East Germany in 1968, with West Germany following suit in 1969. However, although this meant that homosexual activity between men was decriminilized, it was not made legal.Paragraph 175 was relaxed in East Germany in 1968, with West Germany following suit in 1969. However, although this meant that homosexual activity between men was decriminilized, it was not made legal.
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Paragraph 175 was repealed in East Germany in 1968, with West Germany following suit in 1969. However, although this meant that homosexual activity between men was decriminilized, it was not made legal. relaxed in East Germany in 1968, with West Germany following suit in 1969. However, although this meant that homosexual activity between men was decriminilized, it was not made legal.

edited by beeurd

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueLegalIllegal (other penalty)
End Date(none)1994
DescriptionEast Germany decriminalized homosexual behavior in 1968, West Germany followed suit in 1969.Paragraph 175 was repealed in East Germany in 1968, with West Germany following suit in 1969. However, although this meant that homosexual activity between men was decriminilized, it was not made legal.
Show Difference
East Germany decriminalized homosexual behavior in 1968, West Germany followed suit in 1969. Paragraph 175 was repealed in East Germany in 1968, with West Germany following suit in 1969. However, although this meant that homosexual activity between men was decriminilized, it was not made legal.
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http://www.academia.edu/402849/_Decriminalization_Seduction_and_Unnatural_Desire_in_East_Germany_ http://www.academia.edu/402849/_Decriminalization_Seduction_and_Unnatural_Desire_in_East_Germany_ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-40380064

created by bradcoffey106

Original entry
Start Date1969
End Date(none)
DescriptionEast Germany decriminalized homosexual behavior in 1968, West Germany followed suit in 1969.
Reports (10)
  • Status is not correct "decriminalized 1994 in the entirety of germany. §177 of penal code was not enforced in the former GDR from 1990 onwards"
  • Status is not correct "Paragraph 175 ONLY related to male homosexuality. It did not have any bearing on lesbianism."
  • Status is not correct "This law applied only to men. There was no prohibition in law on lesbian sex."
  • Date is incorrect "Prison sentences for male homosexuality were handed out in Germany until 1969. BTW, the headline of this screen should read "This information is inaccurate" instead of "innacurate"."
  • Date is incorrect "West Germany only repealed §175 StGB criminalizing male homosexuality in 1994. However, from 1969 to 1994, gays were no longer sentenced to prison, but were viewed as criminals nonetheless, precluding employment in civil service etc."
  • Status is not correct "West Germany Decriminalized Homosexuality shortly after incorporating the fmr. GDR ("reunification"). Still, people prosecuted for homosexuality (former § 175 of penal code) weren't rehabilitated until recently, yet weren't compensated for legal discrimination (inculding the enlisting as criminal when prosecuted for homosexuality, effectively banning them from serving in police, military, fire departments and civil protection agencies)"
  • Status is not correct "Homosexual behaviour between men weren't decriminalised until 1994."
  • Status is not correct "Actually, Homosexuality is legal since 1993. From 1977-1993 the law that made Homosexuality illegal was not applied but still valid."
  • Date is incorrect "with German reunion West German law became valid for the regions of former East Germany. West Germany abolished §175 Strafgesetzbuch in 1994"
  • Status is not correct "The dates are not correct: East Germany decriminalized homosexual behavior in 1988, West Germany in 1994. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paragraph_175"