Entry #2028: LGBT employment discrimination in Ecuador

Current Version

IssueLGBT employment discrimination
StatusSexual orientation and gender identity
Start DateJun 1, 2018
End Date(none)
DescriptionIn 1998, Ecuador became the first country in the Americas (and only the third worldwide after South Africa and Fiji) to include sexual orientation as a protected category in its Constitution. An unofficial English language translation of Article 11(2) states:

All persons are equal and shall enjoy the same rights, duties and opportunities. No one shall be discriminated against for reasons of ethnic belonging, place of birth, age, sex, gender identity, cultural identity, civil status, language, religion, ideology, political affiliation, legal record, socio-economic condition, migratory status, sexual orientation, health status, HIV carrier, disability, physical difference or any other distinguishing feature, whether personal or collective, temporary or permanent, which might be aimed at or result in the diminishment or annulment of recognition, enjoyment or exercise of rights. All forms of discrimination are punishable by law. The State shall adopt affirmative action measures that promote real equality for the benefit of the rights-bearers who are in a situation of inequality.

In 2015, a labor law reform made it illegal for employers to discriminate against people due to their sexual orientation.

In June 2018, the Justice Ministry approved a new policy concerning the rights of LGBT people. The policy aims to guarantee and strengthen their rights in relation to health, education, work, security, social protection and justice.

Revision History (2)

edited by laliqueen. statut correction, illegal for all LGBT people

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
ValueSexual orientation onlySexual orientation and gender identity
Start DateApr 20, 2015Jun 1, 2018
DescriptionIn 2015, a labor reform made it illegal for employers to discriminate against people due to their sexual orientation.In 1998, Ecuador became the first country in the Americas (and only the third worldwide after South Africa and Fiji) to include sexual orientation as a protected category in its Constitution. An unofficial English language translation of Article 11(2) states:

All persons are equal and shall enjoy the same rights, duties and opportunities. No one shall be discriminated against for reasons of ethnic belonging, place of birth, age, sex, gender identity, cultural identity, civil status, language, religion, ideology, political affiliation, legal record, socio-economic condition, migratory status, sexual orientation, health status, HIV carrier, disability, physical difference or any other distinguishing feature, whether personal or collective, temporary or permanent, which might be aimed at or result in the diminishment or annulment of recognition, enjoyment or exercise of rights. All forms of discrimination are punishable by law. The State shall adopt affirmative action measures that promote real equality for the benefit of the rights-bearers who are in a situation of inequality.

In 2015, a labor law reform made it illegal for employers to discriminate against people due to their sexual orientation.

In June 2018, the Justice Ministry approved a new policy concerning the rights of LGBT people. The policy aims to guarantee and strengthen their rights in relation to health, education, work, security, social protection and justice.
Show Difference
In 2015, a labor reform made it illegal for employers to discriminate against people due to their sexual orientation. 1998, Ecuador became the first country in the Americas (and only the third worldwide after South Africa and Fiji) to include sexual orientation as a protected category in its Constitution. An unofficial English language translation of Article 11(2) states: All persons are equal and shall enjoy the same rights, duties and opportunities. No one shall be discriminated against for reasons of ethnic belonging, place of birth, age, sex, gender identity, cultural identity, civil status, language, religion, ideology, political affiliation, legal record, socio-economic condition, migratory status, sexual orientation, health status, HIV carrier, disability, physical difference or any other distinguishing feature, whether personal or collective, temporary or permanent, which might be aimed at or result in the diminishment or annulment of recognition, enjoyment or exercise of rights. All forms of discrimination are punishable by law. The State shall adopt affirmative action measures that promote real equality for the benefit of the rights-bearers who are in a situation of inequality. In 2015, a labor law reform made it illegal for employers to discriminate against people due to their sexual orientation. In June 2018, the Justice Ministry approved a new policy concerning the rights of LGBT people. The policy aims to guarantee and strengthen their rights in relation to health, education, work, security, social protection and justice.

created by ryanbynes

Original entry
StatusSexual orientation only
Start DateApr 20, 2015
End Date(none)
DescriptionIn 2015, a labor reform made it illegal for employers to discriminate against people due to their sexual orientation.
Sourceshttp://www.asambleanacional.gob.ec/es/system/files/ro_ley_organica_para_la_justicia_laboral_y_reconocimiento_del_trabajo_en_el_hogar_ro_3er_supl_20-04-2015.pdf http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Ecuador-Makes-Important-Strides-for-LGBTI-People-20160327-0030.html
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct