Entry #2004: Right to change legal gender in Turkey

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start DateMay 4, 1988
End DateNov 30, 2017
DescriptionNever was banned, officially legalized in 1988. In Turkey, the minimum age required to get sex reassignment surgery is 18. In order for one to legally change their gender, the surgery must be conducted at a state hospital.

Revision History (9)

edited by DaisyGeekyTrans. Adding sources from deleted entry. I wanted to add them before reporting but couldn’t due to the date issue.

Old Value New Value (Current)
Show Difference
https://www.duvarenglish.com/health-2/2020/01/20/a-heavy-price-to-pay-for-sex-change-in-turkey#:~:text=Filiz%20Gazi%2F%20DUVAR-,In%20Turkey%2C%20the%20minimum%20age%20required%20to%20get%20sex%20reassignment,%2C%20Ankara%2C%20Izmir%20and%20Antalya. https://www.duvarenglish.com/health-2/2020/01/20/a-heavy-price-to-pay-for-sex-change-in-turkey#:~:text=Filiz%20Gazi%2F%20DUVAR-,In%20Turkey%2C%20the%20minimum%20age%20required%20to%20get%20sex%20reassignment,%2C%20Ankara%2C%20Izmir%20and%20Antalya. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/01/gender-identity-map-where-you-can-change-your-gender-on-legal-documents/ https://tgeu.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Trans-mapA_Map2016july.pdf http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/097152151001800104

edited by Samanthos. Removed trivial information

Old Value New Value
DescriptionNever was banned, officially legalized in 1988. In Turkey, the minimum age required to get sex reassignment surgery is 18. In order for one to change one's gender section on an identity card, the procedure must be conducted at a state hospital. Sex reassignment surgery is available in Turkey's major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya and Edirne.Never was banned, officially legalized in 1988. In Turkey, the minimum age required to get sex reassignment surgery is 18. In order for one to legally change their gender, the surgery must be conducted at a state hospital.
Show Difference
Never was banned, officially legalized in 1988. In Turkey, the minimum age required to get sex reassignment surgery is 18. In order for one to change one's gender section on an identity card, the procedure must be conducted at a state hospital. Sex reassignment surgery is available in Turkey's major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya and Edirne. legally change their gender, the surgery must be conducted at a state hospital.

edited by Buzdolabimotoru. Dates updated

Old Value New Value
Start Date1988May 4, 1988
End Date(none)Nov 30, 2017
DescriptionIn Turkey, the minimum age required to get sex reassignment surgery is 18. In order for one to change one's gender section on an identity card, the procedure must be conducted at a state hospital. Sex reassignment surgery is available in Turkey's major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Antalya.Never was banned, officially legalized in 1988. In Turkey, the minimum age required to get sex reassignment surgery is 18. In order for one to change one's gender section on an identity card, the procedure must be conducted at a state hospital. Sex reassignment surgery is available in Turkey's major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya and Edirne.
Show Difference
In Turkey, the minimum age required to get sex reassignment surgery is 18. In order for one to change one's gender section on an identity card, the procedure must be conducted at a state hospital. Sex reassignment surgery is available in Turkey's major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Antalya. Never was banned, officially legalized in 1988. In Turkey, the minimum age required to get sex reassignment surgery is 18. In order for one to change one's gender section on an identity card, the procedure must be conducted at a state hospital. Sex reassignment surgery is available in Turkey's major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya and Edirne.

edited by im_h_DEACTIVATED

Old Value New Value
End DateNov 30, 2017(none)

edited by Buzdolabimotoru

Old Value New Value
End DateNov 30, 2018Nov 30, 2017

edited by Buzdolabimotoru

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Nov 30, 2018

edited by Ro_Guy

Old Value New Value
ValueLegal, no restrictionsLegal, but requires surgery
Start Date20171988
DescriptionSurgery is not required for gender changes in Turkey.In Turkey, the minimum age required to get sex reassignment surgery is 18. In order for one to change one's gender section on an identity card, the procedure must be conducted at a state hospital. Sex reassignment surgery is available in Turkey's major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Antalya.
Show Difference
Surgery is not required for gender changes in Turkey. In Turkey, the minimum age required to get sex reassignment surgery is 18. In order for one to change one's gender section on an identity card, the procedure must be conducted at a state hospital. Sex reassignment surgery is available in Turkey's major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Antalya.
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https://transgenderfeed.com/2017/12/24/turkey-court-removed-compulsory-sterilization-legal-gender-change-landmark-ruling/ https://www.duvarenglish.com/health-2/2020/01/20/a-heavy-price-to-pay-for-sex-change-in-turkey#:~:text=Filiz%20Gazi%2F%20DUVAR-,In%20Turkey%2C%20the%20minimum%20age%20required%20to%20get%20sex%20reassignment,%2C%20Ankara%2C%20Izmir%20and%20Antalya.

edited by Hearts4Al

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueLegal, but requires surgeryLegal, no restrictions
Start DateMay 10, 20152017
DescriptionEuropean court found the sterilization requirement in Article 40 of the Civil Code to be unconstitutional.
" A person who wishes to change their gender may request permission to change their gender by applying in person to the court. However, for the permission to be granted, the applicant must be 18 years old and must be unmarried. The applicant must also be in a transsexual nature and must document the necessity to change their gender for their mental health and that they are permanently deprived of reproductive abilities through an official health committee report obtained from an education and research hospital. Depending on the permission granted, once the gender reassignment surgery fit for the aim and medical methods has been completed and verified by an official health committee report, the court decides to make the necessary changes in the population registry."
Surgery is not required for gender changes in Turkey.
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European court found the sterilization requirement in Article 40 of the Civil Code to be unconstitutional. " A person who wishes to change their gender may request permission to change their gender by applying in person to the court. However, for the permission to be granted, the applicant must be 18 years old and must be unmarried. The applicant must also be in a transsexual nature and must document the necessity to change their gender for their mental health and that they are permanently deprived of reproductive abilities through an official health committee report obtained from an education and research hospital. Depending on the permission granted, once the gender reassignment surgery fit for the aim and medical methods has been completed and verified by an official health committee report, the court decides to make the necessary changes in the population registry." Surgery is not required for gender changes in Turkey.
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http://lgbtinewsturkey.com/2015/02/25/the-european-court-of-human-rights-to-announce-verdict-on-turkish-gender-reassignment-law/ https://transgenderfeed.com/2017/12/24/turkey-court-removed-compulsory-sterilization-legal-gender-change-landmark-ruling/
Reports (4)
  • Newer law has been passed "There has been a change on the issue of "reproduction capacity of the transgender person" in the law. However, transgender individuals are still required to have surgery in order to change their national identity https://www.anayasa.gov.tr/icsayfalar/basin/kararlarailiskinbasinduyurulari/genelkurul/detay/35.html"
  • Status is not correct "Surgery is required to have sex and/or gender change."
  • Status is not correct "Although in 2017 compulsory sterilization is removed, the law required transgender people to get surgery in order to get legal gender recognition."
  • Status is not correct "Surgery is required to change your gender. "

created by vviet93

Original entry
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start DateMay 10, 2015
End Date(none)
DescriptionEuropean court found the sterilization requirement in Article 40 of the Civil Code to be unconstitutional. " A person who wishes to change their gender may request permission to change their gender by applying in person to the court. However, for the permission to be granted, the applicant must be 18 years old and must be unmarried. The applicant must also be in a transsexual nature and must document the necessity to change their gender for their mental health and that they are permanently deprived of reproductive abilities through an official health committee report obtained from an education and research hospital. Depending on the permission granted, once the gender reassignment surgery fit for the aim and medical methods has been completed and verified by an official health committee report, the court decides to make the necessary changes in the population registry."
Reports (7)
  • Status is not correct "Sex change has been legally allowed and practised in Turkey since 1988. Nonetheless, the legal path is vague and the administrative paper trail is uncodified."
  • Status is not correct "they are permanently deprived of reproductive abilities through an official health committee report obtained from an education and research hospital.'' this part is taken out in 2015 because of un decision"
  • Status is not correct "changing gender is not required surgery since 2017"
  • Status is not correct "In December 2017, The Constitutional Court of Turkey annulled the part of the law that requires trans people to be deprived of their reproductive capacities. See the decision in Turkish: http://kararlaryeni.anayasa.gov.tr/Karar/Content/541c15e5-cca0-4b1b-bee7-63fa0e24a29e?excludeGerekce=False&wordsOnly=False "
  • Status is not correct
  • Newer law has been passed "By November, 2017, the act was revisioned and although the sterlization requirement is removed, genital/bottom surgery is still necceasary for changes on one's official documents such as id, passport, diploma etc."
  • Status is not correct "Gender change is legal since 1988"