Entry #1943: LGBT employment discrimination in Ukraine

Current Version

IssueLGBT employment discrimination
StatusSexual orientation and gender identity
Start DateNov 12, 2015
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Ukraine parliament voted to change the country's labor code to include protection against employment discrimination regardless of "race, colour, political, religious and other beliefs, sex gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic, social and foreign origin, age, health, disability, or suspected presence of HIV/AIDS, family and property status, family responsibilities, place of residence, or participation in a strike."
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "sexual preference and gender identity removed in the new law, replaced by "and other attributes""

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Revision History (2)

edited by bjb

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
DescriptionThe Ukraine parliament voted in favour to change the country's labor code to include protection against discrimination for LGBT people. The new amendement was added to now protect from employment discrimination regardless of "race, colour, political, religious and other beliefs, sex gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic, social and foreign origin, age, health, disability, or suspected presence of HIV/AIDS, family and property status, family responsibilities, place of residence, or participation in a strike."The Ukraine parliament voted to change the country's labor code to include protection against employment discrimination regardless of "race, colour, political, religious and other beliefs, sex gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic, social and foreign origin, age, health, disability, or suspected presence of HIV/AIDS, family and property status, family responsibilities, place of residence, or participation in a strike."
Show Difference
The Ukraine parliament voted in favour to change the country's labor code to include protection against discrimination for LGBT people. The new amendement was added to now protect from employment discrimination regardless of "race, colour, political, religious and other beliefs, sex gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic, social and foreign origin, age, health, disability, or suspected presence of HIV/AIDS, family and property status, family responsibilities, place of residence, or participation in a strike."

created by bjb

Original entry
StatusSexual orientation and gender identity
Start DateNov 12, 2015
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Ukraine parliament voted in favour to change the country's labor code to include protection against discrimination for LGBT people. The new amendement was added to now protect from employment discrimination regardless of "race, colour, political, religious and other beliefs, sex gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic, social and foreign origin, age, health, disability, or suspected presence of HIV/AIDS, family and property status, family responsibilities, place of residence, or participation in a strike."
Sourceshttp://www.rferl.mobi/a/ukraine-lgbt-rules-antidiscrimination-passed/27360026.html http://www.buzzfeed.com/lesterfeder/ukraine-just-passed-protections-for-lgbt-employees?utm_term=4ldqpia&bftw=lgbt