Entry #193: Right to change legal gender in Japan

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start DateJul 16, 2004
End DateDec 18, 2008
DescriptionAct No.111 of 2003 requires for transgender people to change their legal gender, (1) be at least 20 years of age, (2) not currently married, (3) no child, (4) infertile (no gonads or persistent lack of gonadal function), (5) and has a body which appears to have genital parts of those of the opposite sex. And also requires medical certificate by two or more psychiatrist.
Reports (2)
  • Newer law has been passed
  • Duplicate entry "This is a duplicate. Please delete."

Revision History (5)

edited by Iwamoto. unified explanation on condition (4) as current status, and revised the date of the law ended

Old Value New Value (Current)
End DateDec 19, 2008Dec 18, 2008
DescriptionLaw 111 of 2003 requires for transgender people to change their legal gender, (1) be at least 20 years of age, (2) not currently married, (3) no child, (4) infertile (no gonads or equivalent situation), (5) and has a body which appears to have genital parts of those of the opposite sex. And also requires medical certificate by two or more psychiatrist.Act No.111 of 2003 requires for transgender people to change their legal gender, (1) be at least 20 years of age, (2) not currently married, (3) no child, (4) infertile (no gonads or persistent lack of gonadal function), (5) and has a body which appears to have genital parts of those of the opposite sex. And also requires medical certificate by two or more psychiatrist.
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Law 111 of 2003 requires for transgender people to change their legal gender, (1) be at least 20 years of age, (2) not currently married, (3) no child, (4) infertile (no gonads or equivalent situation), (5) and has a body which appears to have genital parts of those of the opposite sex. And also requires medical certificate by two or more psychiatrist. Act No.111 of 2003 requires for transgender people to change their legal gender, (1) be at least 20 years of age, (2) not currently married, (3) no child, (4) infertile (no gonads or persistent lack of gonadal function), (5) and has a body which appears to have genital parts of those of the opposite sex. And also requires medical certificate by two or more psychiatrist.

edited by Iwamoto. revise date and the age and add precise condition based on original Japanese law and translated to english version by Japanese Government

Old Value New Value
Start DateJan 2004Jul 16, 2004
End Date(none)Dec 19, 2008
DescriptionLaw 111 gave unmarried transgender citizens over the age of 22 with no children under the age of 20 the option to legally change their gender, only after undergoing sex-reassignment surgery. Law 111 of 2003 requires for transgender people to change their legal gender, (1) be at least 20 years of age, (2) not currently married, (3) no child, (4) infertile (no gonads or equivalent situation), (5) and has a body which appears to have genital parts of those of the opposite sex. And also requires medical certificate by two or more psychiatrist.
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Law 111 gave unmarried transgender citizens over the age of 22 with no children under the age of 20 the option to legally change their gender, only after undergoing sex-reassignment surgery. 2003 requires for transgender people to change their legal gender, (1) be at least 20 years of age, (2) not currently married, (3) no child, (4) infertile (no gonads or equivalent situation), (5) and has a body which appears to have genital parts of those of the opposite sex. And also requires medical certificate by two or more psychiatrist.
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http://www.globalrights.org/site/DocServer/Shadow_Report_Japan.pdf https://www.japaneselawtranslation.go.jp/ja/laws/view/2542

edited by beeurd

Old Value New Value
Start DateJul 2004Jan 2004
DescriptionLaw 111 gave transgender citizens over the age of 22 the option to legally change their gender, only after undergoing sex-reassignment surgery.Law 111 gave unmarried transgender citizens over the age of 22 with no children under the age of 20 the option to legally change their gender, only after undergoing sex-reassignment surgery.
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Law 111 gave transgender citizens over the age of 22 the option to legally change their gender, only after undergoing sex-reassignment surgery. unmarried transgender citizens over the age of 22 with no children under the age of 20 the option to legally change their gender, only after undergoing sex-reassignment surgery.
Reports (5)
  • Newer law has been passed "Since April 1, 2022 Legal, but requires surgery Law 111 of 2003 requires for transgender people to change their legal gender, (1) be at least 18 years of age, (2) not currently married, (3) no child less than 18 years, (4) infertile (no gonads or equivalent situation), (5) and has a body which appears to have genital parts of those of the opposite sex. And also requires medical certificate by two or more psychiatrist."
  • Newer law has been passed "19 Dec 2008-April 1, 2022 Legal, but requires surgery Law 111 of 2003 requires for transgender people to change their legal gender, (1) be at least 20 years of age, (2) not currently married, (3) no child less than 20 years, (4) infertile (no gonads or equivalent situation), (5) and has a body which appears to have genital parts of those of the opposite sex. And also requires medical certificate by two or more psychiatrist."
  • Note field is incorrect "Law 111 of 2003 requires for transgender people to change their legal gender, (1) be at least 20 years of age, (2) not currently married, (3) no child, (4) infertile (no gonads or equivalent situation), (5) and has a body which appears to have genital parts of those of the opposite sex. And also requires medical certificate by two or more psychiatrist. "
  • Date is incorrect "July 16, 2004-19 Dec 2008"
  • Status is not correct "A person must be older than 18 to change their legal sex. Not 22"

edited by beeurd

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start Date2008Jul 2004
DescriptionTransgender citizens have the option to legally change their gender only after undergoing sex-reassignment surgery.Law 111 gave transgender citizens over the age of 22 the option to legally change their gender, only after undergoing sex-reassignment surgery.
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Transgender citizens have the option to legally change their gender only after undergoing sex-reassignment surgery. Law 111 gave transgender citizens over the age of 22 the option to legally change their gender, only after undergoing sex-reassignment surgery.

created by bradcoffey106

Original entry
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start Date2008
End Date(none)
DescriptionTransgender citizens have the option to legally change their gender only after undergoing sex-reassignment surgery.
Reports (3)
  • Date is incorrect "http://intersections.anu.edu.au/issue12/taniguchi.html The Act came into force July 2004."
  • Newer law has been passed "http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/10/28/national/social-issues/tokyos-shibuya-ward-accepts-applications-recognition-gay-couples/#.VmdoDBIrK00 it is not called marriage, but it is at the same level in law."
  • Sources are invalid or broken