Entry #1845: Right to change legal gender in Colombia

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start Date2013
End DateJun 4, 2015
DescriptionDECISION T-918-12
The Constitutional Court rules on the right to sexual identity, its relationship with the right to health in the case of transgender people and the change of the marital status of persons on the grounds on gender reassignment. The Chamber rules that it is the duty of the Health Promotion Agency to which the plaintiff is registered, to apply the procedures needed for the gender reassignment surgery, since these are covered by the Compulsory Health Plan (POS).
Additionally, in the action for protection it is requested the application of all the procedures required for the normalization of the process of feminization and changing registration of gender from MALE to FEMALE, without leaving in this document any record of the biological condition.

DECREE 1227 OF 2015
On June 5, the Colombian President signed Decree 1227, which authorizes citizens to change their sex on identification documents through a Notary Public and without having to prove their sexual identity through psychiatric or physical evaluations.
SourcesDECISION T-918-12: http://corteconstitucional.gov.co/relatoria/2012/t-918-12.htm

DECREE 1227 OF 2015:

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Revision History (2)

edited by Ro_Guy

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
End Date(none)Jun 4, 2015

created by diegorosemary

Original entry
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start Date2013
End Date(none)
DescriptionDECISION T-918-12 The Constitutional Court rules on the right to sexual identity, its relationship with the right to health in the case of transgender people and the change of the marital status of persons on the grounds on gender reassignment. The Chamber rules that it is the duty of the Health Promotion Agency to which the plaintiff is registered, to apply the procedures needed for the gender reassignment surgery, since these are covered by the Compulsory Health Plan (POS). Additionally, in the action for protection it is requested the application of all the procedures required for the normalization of the process of feminization and changing registration of gender from MALE to FEMALE, without leaving in this document any record of the biological condition. DECREE 1227 OF 2015 On June 5, the Colombian President signed Decree 1227, which authorizes citizens to change their sex on identification documents through a Notary Public and without having to prove their sexual identity through psychiatric or physical evaluations.
SourcesDECISION T-918-12: http://corteconstitucional.gov.co/relatoria/2012/t-918-12.htm DECREE 1227 OF 2015: http://wp.presidencia.gov.co/sitios/normativa/decretos/2015/Decretos2015/DECRETO%201227%20DEL%2004%20DE%20JUNIO%20DE%202015.pdf
Reports (4)
  • Status is not correct "Right to change legal gender no longer requires surgery"
  • Status is not correct ""Legal, but requires surgery" It is completly legal to change legal gender without any surgery or medical permission. Just requires a notarial deed(escritura pública) expressing the petition."
  • Status is not correct "Since 2015, a Colombian person may change their legal gender and name manifesting their solemn will before a notar, no surgeries or judicial order required, http://www.asambleanacional.gob.ec/es/system/files/ro_ley_organica_de_gestion_de_la_identidad_y_datos_civiles_ro_684_2do_supl_04-02-2015.pdf"
  • Status is not correct "recently, it doesnt require surgery anymore"