Entry #1764: Same-sex adoption in Maine

Current Version

IssueSame-sex adoption
Start Date2007
End Date(none)
DescriptionState statute allows married and unmarried persons to adopt per §9-301, and a lower court ruled in MA, 2007 ME 123 (2007) that the law is not exclusionary of same-sex partners.

Similarly, second-parent adoption isn't expressly permitted in statute, but case law has been tolerant in lower court rulings.
Maine §9-301
MA, 2007 ME 123 (2007)

Revision History (1)

created by imullin01

Original entry
Start Date2007
End Date(none)
DescriptionState statute allows married and unmarried persons to adopt per §9-301, and a lower court ruled in MA, 2007 ME 123 (2007) that the law is not exclusionary of same-sex partners. Similarly, second-parent adoption isn't expressly permitted in statute, but case law has been tolerant in lower court rulings.
Sourceswww.lambdalegal.org/regions-state/maine Maine §9-301 MA, 2007 ME 123 (2007)