Entry #14253: Right to change legal gender in Florida

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
Start DateJan 26, 2024
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Florida DMV made a change requiring sex at birth to be the determiner for the gender marker on Florida Driver's Licenses. Deputy Director issued a memo saying allowing someone to change their gender "undermines the purpose of an identification record and can frustrate the state's ability to enforce its laws." The rule also makes holding a Florida drivers license with a gender marker differing to that of the sex assigned at birtth a potential cause for criminal prosecution and loss of their license.

Revision History (1)

created by jadeywadey

Original entry
Start DateJan 26, 2024
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Florida DMV made a change requiring sex at birth to be the determiner for the gender marker on Florida Driver's Licenses. Deputy Director issued a memo saying allowing someone to change their gender "undermines the purpose of an identification record and can frustrate the state's ability to enforce its laws." The rule also makes holding a Florida drivers license with a gender marker differing to that of the sex assigned at birtth a potential cause for criminal prosecution and loss of their license.
Sourceshttps://www.axios.com/local/tampa-bay/2024/01/30/florida-transgender-id-drivers-license-ban https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4438514-florida-bars-transgender-residents-from-changing-gender-on-drivers-licenses/