Entry #14060: Intersex infant surgery in South Korea

Current Version

RegionSouth Korea
IssueIntersex infant surgery
StatusNot banned
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionThere is no known legal prohibition on "genital normalisation surgery" being performed on intersex infants.

Revision History (2)

edited by jadeywadey. improved description

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
DescriptionInvasive and unnecessary surgical interventions on intersex children are not prohibited in South Korea.There is no known legal prohibition on "genital normalisation surgery" being performed on intersex infants.
Show Difference
Invasive and unnecessary surgical interventions on intersex children are not prohibited in South Korea. There is no known legal prohibition on "genital normalisation surgery" being performed on intersex infants.

created by Shine

Original entry
StatusNot banned
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionInvasive and unnecessary surgical interventions on intersex children are not prohibited in South Korea.