Entry #13842: Right to change legal gender in Idaho

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
Start DateJul 1, 2024
End Date(none)
DescriptionTransgender people are no longer able to change their gender on official documents in Idaho after the passage of House Bill 421. The bill came into effect on July 1st, 2024.

Revision History (4)

edited by Unknownmiles. Adding a no to the entry

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionTransgender people are longer able to change their gender on official documents in Idaho after the passage of House Bill 421. The bill came into effect on July 1st, 2024.Transgender people are no longer able to change their gender on official documents in Idaho after the passage of House Bill 421. The bill came into effect on July 1st, 2024.
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Transgender people are longer able to change their gender on official documents in Idaho after the passage of House Bill 421. The bill came into effect on July 1st, 2024. no longer able to change their gender on official documents in Idaho after the passage of House Bill 421. The bill came into effect on July 1st, 2024.

edited by Unknownmiles. Making entry not 2nd person; per cliffs request

Old Value New Value
DescriptionYou are no longer able to change your gender in Idaho after the passage of House Bill 421. The bill came into effect on July 1st, 2024.Transgender people are longer able to change their gender on official documents in Idaho after the passage of House Bill 421. The bill came into effect on July 1st, 2024.
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You are no longer able to change your gender in Idaho after the passage of House Bill 421. The bill came into effect on July 1st, 2024. Transgender people are longer able to change their gender on official documents in Idaho after the passage of House Bill 421. The bill came into effect on July 1st, 2024.

edited by Unknownmiles. Making description better

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionGender Affirming Care will no longer be accessible in the state of Idaho unless seeking outside of Idaho. This law bans right to change gender, as well as birth markers on any legal documents. You are no longer able to change your gender in Idaho after the passage of House Bill 421. The bill came into effect on July 1st, 2024.
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Gender Affirming Care will no longer be accessible in the state of Idaho unless seeking outside of Idaho. This law bans right to change gender, as well as birth markers on any legal documents. You are no longer able to change your gender in Idaho after the passage of House Bill 421. The bill came into effect on July 1st, 2024.

created by qcksws

Original entry
Start DateJul 1, 2024
End Date(none)
DescriptionGender Affirming Care will no longer be accessible in the state of Idaho unless seeking outside of Idaho. This law bans right to change gender, as well as birth markers on any legal documents.
Sourceshttps://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/H0421/ https://legiscan.com/ID/bill/H0421/2024