Entry #13679: Intersex infant surgery in Saudi Arabia

Current Version

RegionSaudi Arabia
IssueIntersex infant surgery
StatusNot banned
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionThere are no bodily protections for intersex individuals in Saudi Arabia. Many intersex infants born with ambiguous genitalia suffer from infanticide. The killing of intersex infants is primarily motivated by fears of the social shame of having an intersex child. Intersex genital surgery on newborns for cosmetic purposes is fully legal and encouraged.

Revision History (2)

edited by sonadorix44. because there's no bodily protection for intersex in Saudi Arabia

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
ValueFull banNot banned
Descriptionnot allowed There are no bodily protections for intersex individuals in Saudi Arabia. Many intersex infants born with ambiguous genitalia suffer from infanticide. The killing of intersex infants is primarily motivated by fears of the social shame of having an intersex child. Intersex genital surgery on newborns for cosmetic purposes is fully legal and encouraged.
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not allowed There are no bodily protections for intersex individuals in Saudi Arabia. Many intersex infants born with ambiguous genitalia suffer from infanticide. The killing of intersex infants is primarily motivated by fears of the social shame of having an intersex child. Intersex genital surgery on newborns for cosmetic purposes is fully legal and encouraged.
Sourcesno source......https://database.ilga.org/interventions-intersex-minors

created by johnteg

Original entry
StatusFull ban
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
Descriptionnot allowed
Sourcesno source......