Entry #13543: Gender-affirming care in Ohio

Current Version

IssueGender-affirming care
Start Date(unknown)
End DateAug 6, 2024
DescriptionAdults and Minors are able to still get gender affirming care in Ohio. Minors are unknown at this time due to an ongoing lawsuit about HB68. HB68 also known as the SAFE Act (Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation), bans all gender affirming care and requires minors to "lean off" medications. Adults are able to get gender affirming care as Governor DeWine backed off his proposed plans to ban gender affirming care for adults. As of April 23rd 2024, Minors and Adults are freely still able to get gender affirming care

Revision History (2)

edited by Unknownmiles. A judge upheld that the law can come into effect

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
Start DateJan 1, 2024(unknown)
End Date(none)Aug 6, 2024
DescriptionAdults and Minors are able to still get gender affirming care in Ohio. Minors are unknown at this time due to an ongoing lawsuit about HB68. HB68 also known as the SAFE Act (Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation), bans all gender affirming care and requires minors to "lean off" medications. Adults are able to get gender affirming care as Governor DeWine backed off his proposed plans to ban gender affirming care for adults. As of April 23rd 2024, Minors and Adults are freely still able to get gender affirming careAdults and Minors are able to still get gender affirming care in Ohio. Minors are unknown at this time due to an ongoing lawsuit about HB68. HB68 also known as the SAFE Act (Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation), bans all gender affirming care and requires minors to "lean off" medications. Adults are able to get gender affirming care as Governor DeWine backed off his proposed plans to ban gender affirming care for adults. As of April 23rd 2024, Minors and Adults are freely still able to get gender affirming care
Show Difference
Adults and Minors are able to still get gender affirming care in Ohio. Minors are unknown at this time due to an ongoing lawsuit about HB68. HB68 also known as the SAFE Act (Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation), bans all gender affirming care and requires minors to "lean off" medications. Adults are able to get gender affirming care as Governor DeWine backed off his proposed plans to ban gender affirming care for adults. As of April 23rd 2024, Minors and Adults are freely still able to get gender affirming care "lean off" medications. Adults are able to get gender affirming care as Governor DeWine backed off his proposed plans to ban gender affirming care for adults. As of April 23rd 2024, Minors and Adults are freely still able to get gender affirming care

created by qcksws

Original entry
Start DateJan 1, 2024
End Date(none)
DescriptionAdults and Minors are able to still get gender affirming care in Ohio. Minors are unknown at this time due to an ongoing lawsuit about HB68. HB68 also known as the SAFE Act (Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation), bans all gender affirming care and requires minors to "lean off" medications. Adults are able to get gender affirming care as Governor DeWine backed off his proposed plans to ban gender affirming care for adults. As of April 23rd 2024, Minors and Adults are freely still able to get gender affirming care
Sourceshttps://www.aclu.org/cases/moe-v-yost https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/ohio-families-file-lawsuit-challenging-ban-on-gender-affirming-healthcare-for-transgender-youth#:~:text=Ohio%20is%20the%2023rd%20state,the%20right%20to%20bodily%20autonomy. https://legiscan.com/OH/bill/HB68/2023 https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/135/hb68 https://apnews.com/article/ohio-transgender-genderaffirming-regulations-adults-dewine-179092da5e1bf7c23f7141832e39d87d