Entry #13401: Gender-affirming care in Idaho

Current Version

IssueGender-affirming care
StatusLegal, but banned for minors
Start DateApr 15, 2024
End DateJul 1, 2024
DescriptionIdaho law bans any changes with gender affirming care for minors, calling it gender mutilation in HB-71. Minors under the age of 18 cannot access gender affirming care even with parental consent. Doctors who do preform gender affirming care will be removed of their license and possibly face jail time. There will be a law into effect July 1st, 2024 that bans gender affirming care for all.

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Revision History (6)

edited by Unknownmiles. Reverting to revision #39318: fixing date and adding a link that shows that

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateJan 1, 2024Apr 15, 2024
Show Difference
https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2023/legislation/h0071/ https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2023/legislation/H0071.pdf https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2023/legislation/h0071/ https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2023/legislation/H0071.pdf https://www.npr.org/2024/04/15/1238351984/supreme-court-transgender-rights-gender-affirming-care-idaho

edited by qcksws. Reflecting date for the bill that it was effective

Old Value New Value
Start DateApr 15, 2024Jan 1, 2024

edited by Unknownmiles. Fixing the date on the entry

Old Value New Value
Start DateJan 1, 2024Apr 15, 2024

edited by qcksws. edited to state a new bill

Old Value New Value

edited by qcksws. edited to state a new bill

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionIdaho law bans any changes with gender affirming care for minors, calling it gender mutilation in HB-71. Minors under the age of 18 cannot access gender affirming care even with parental consent. Doctors who do preform gender affirming care will be removed of their license and possibly face jail time. Idaho law bans any changes with gender affirming care for minors, calling it gender mutilation in HB-71. Minors under the age of 18 cannot access gender affirming care even with parental consent. Doctors who do preform gender affirming care will be removed of their license and possibly face jail time. There will be a law into effect July 1st, 2024 that bans gender affirming care for all.
Show Difference
Idaho law bans any changes with gender affirming care for minors, calling it gender mutilation in HB-71. Minors under the age of 18 cannot access gender affirming care even with parental consent. Doctors who do preform gender affirming care will be removed of their license and possibly face jail time. There will be a law into effect July 1st, 2024 that bans gender affirming care for all.

created by qcksws

Original entry
StatusLegal, but banned for minors
Start DateJan 1, 2024
End DateJul 1, 2024
DescriptionIdaho law bans any changes with gender affirming care for minors, calling it gender mutilation in HB-71. Minors under the age of 18 cannot access gender affirming care even with parental consent. Doctors who do preform gender affirming care will be removed of their license and possibly face jail time.
Sourceshttps://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2023/legislation/h0071/ https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2023/legislation/H0071.pdf