Entry #13281: Intersex infant surgery in France

Current Version

IssueIntersex infant surgery
StatusNot banned
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe French government has reportedly not attempted to protect intersex infants from genital "normalisation" surgery.
Sourceshttps://www.state.gov/reports/2023-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/france/ - Section 6.6, Paragraph 9

Revision History (2)

edited by jadeywadey. bad entry overall

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
ValueParental approval requiredNot banned
DescriptionIntersex people, especially minors on the decision of their parents or doctors, may undergo medical interventions not felt to make their body more typically male or female. The associations denounce these interventions as mutilations suffered by intersex childs115, as the UN Committee against Torture which recommended to France “to take legislative, administrative or other measures necessary to ensure the physical integrity of intersex persons”The French government has reportedly not attempted to protect intersex infants from genital "normalisation" surgery.
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Intersex people, especially minors on the decision of their parents or doctors, may undergo medical interventions not felt to make their body more typically male or female. The associations denounce these interventions as mutilations suffered by intersex childs115, as the UN Committee against Torture which recommended to France “to take legislative, administrative or other measures necessary to ensure the physical integrity of intersex persons” French government has reportedly not attempted to protect intersex infants from genital "normalisation" surgery.
Sourceshttps://www.vie-publique.fr/eclairage/276243-droits-lgbt-lutte-contre-les-discriminations-et-politique-de-legalitehttps://www.state.gov/reports/2023-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/france/ - Section 6.6, Paragraph 9
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https://www.vie-publique.fr/eclairage/276243-droits-lgbt-lutte-contre-les-discriminations-et-politique-de-legalite https://www.state.gov/reports/2023-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/france/ - Section 6.6, Paragraph 9

created by theo_paris

Original entry
StatusParental approval required
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionIntersex people, especially minors on the decision of their parents or doctors, may undergo medical interventions not felt to make their body more typically male or female. The associations denounce these interventions as mutilations suffered by intersex childs115, as the UN Committee against Torture which recommended to France “to take legislative, administrative or other measures necessary to ensure the physical integrity of intersex persons”