Entry #1313: Blood donations by MSMs in Switzerland

Current Version

IssueBlood donations by MSMs
StatusBanned (1-year deferral)
Start DateNov 29, 2017
End DateNov 1, 2023
DescriptionIn early May 2017, the National Council approved a motion calling on all restrictions on gay and bisexual men donating blood to be lifted. According to the National Council, only risky behaviour should be a factor for blood donation, not one's sexual orientation. The motion, introduced by the Conservative Democrats, was approved 97–89.[66] However, this was rejected by the Council of States on 29 November 2017.[67] The 1 year deferral period for gay and bisexual men donating blood therefore remains in place.

Revision History (3)

edited by Markissik. Adding the ending date due to the new entry

Old Value New Value (Current)
End Date(none)Nov 1, 2023

edited by Antinousosiris

Old Value (Original) New Value
Value(REMOVED)Banned (1-year deferral)
Special StatusAmbiguousBanned (1-year deferral)
Start Date(unknown)Nov 29, 2017
DescriptionLegal for lesbians. Illegal for gays.In early May 2017, the National Council approved a motion calling on all restrictions on gay and bisexual men donating blood to be lifted. According to the National Council, only risky behaviour should be a factor for blood donation, not one's sexual orientation. The motion, introduced by the Conservative Democrats, was approved 97–89.[66] However, this was rejected by the Council of States on 29 November 2017.[67] The 1 year deferral period for gay and bisexual men donating blood therefore remains in place.
Show Difference
Legal for lesbians. Illegal for gays. In early May 2017, the National Council approved a motion calling on all restrictions on gay and bisexual men donating blood to be lifted. According to the National Council, only risky behaviour should be a factor for blood donation, not one's sexual orientation. The motion, introduced by the Conservative Democrats, was approved 97–89.[66] However, this was rejected by the Council of States on 29 November 2017.[67] The 1 year deferral period for gay and bisexual men donating blood therefore remains in place.
Sources(French) http://www.tdg.ch/sante/sante/Le-don-du-sang-restera-interdit-aux-gays/story/21592726https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/blood-donation_restrictions-for-male-gay-blood-donors-to-remain/43714568
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(French) http://www.tdg.ch/sante/sante/Le-don-du-sang-restera-interdit-aux-gays/story/21592726 https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/blood-donation_restrictions-for-male-gay-blood-donors-to-remain/43714568
Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed "Blood Donor SKR Switzerland is pleased to announce that its application has been approved by Swissmedic, the regulatory and supervisory authority for medicinal products and medical devices, on July 24, 2023, and that the standardization of blood donation criteria for all individuals can be implemented. The regulation in place since 2017 with a waiting period of 12 months since the last sexual contact between men (MSM) will thus become obsolete. For the practical implementation (adaptation of the processes, the questionnaires, training of the employees in the regional blood donation centers, etc.), Swiss Transfusion SRC and the regional blood donation services need three months. The adjustments must be documented and trained in accordance with the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) specifications that are binding for pharmaceuticals. After that, the new donation criteria will be applied throughout Switzerland as of November 1, 2023. - Blutspende SRK Schweiz"

created by nashtags

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionLegal for lesbians. Illegal for gays.
Sources(French) http://www.tdg.ch/sante/sante/Le-don-du-sang-restera-interdit-aux-gays/story/21592726
Reports (3)
  • Status is not correct "legal for women, men have to retain from having sexual intercourse with other men for one year, in order to donate blood"
  • Status is not correct "It is legal for gay men after a deferral-period of one year"
  • Newer law has been passed "Is now legal https://www.google.ch/amp/s/www.thelocal.ch/20170131/switzerland-lifts-ban-on-gay-men-giving-blood/amp"