Entry #13061: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Mexico

Current Version

IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
StatusNot legally recognized
Start Date(unknown)
End DateFeb 11, 2022
DescriptionBefore February 11th, 2022, no non-binary person had ever been issued a non-binary gender marker in Mexico.

Revision History (2)

edited by Unknownmiles. Adding words to make sentence sound better

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
DescriptionBefore February 11th, 2022, no non-binary person had ever been issued a non-binary gender marker.Before February 11th, 2022, no non-binary person had ever been issued a non-binary gender marker in Mexico.
Show Difference
Before February 11th, 2022, no non-binary person had ever been issued a non-binary gender marker. marker in Mexico.

created by Unknownmiles

Original entry
StatusNot legally recognized
Start Date(unknown)
End DateFeb 11, 2022
DescriptionBefore February 11th, 2022, no non-binary person had ever been issued a non-binary gender marker.