Entry #12821: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Mali

Current Version

IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
StatusNot legally recognized
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionSimilar to there being no legal framework for transgender people who would like to change their gender, there is also no framework for non-binary or intersex individuals who would like to legally identify as such.

Revision History (2)

edited by Unknownmiles. Everything I put was based off the source

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
DescriptionNo legal recognition.Similar to there being no legal framework for transgender people who would like to change their gender, there is also no framework for non-binary or intersex individuals who would like to legally identify as such.
Show Difference
No legal recognition. Similar to there being no legal framework for transgender people who would like to change their gender, there is also no framework for non-binary or intersex individuals who would like to legally identify as such.
SourcesNo laws, thus no source.https://cdn.sida.se/app/uploads/2021/05/07084638/rights-of-lgbt-persons-mali.pdf
Show Difference
No laws, thus no source. https://cdn.sida.se/app/uploads/2021/05/07084638/rights-of-lgbt-persons-mali.pdf

created by Notdog1996

Original entry
StatusNot legally recognized
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionNo legal recognition.
SourcesNo laws, thus no source.