Entry #12614: Censorship of LGBT issues in Transnistria

Current Version

IssueCensorship of LGBT issues
StatusImprisonment as punishment
Start DateFeb 12, 2024
End Date(none)
DescriptionAny public expression of support or sympathy for members of the LGBT community could be punishable by fines, arrest, or even imprisonment. A bill banning “propaganda of homosexuality” was submitted to the TMR’s “Supreme Council” on February 12, 2024. Its authors claim that the purpose of the law is to protect “traditional family values” and “the moral health of the nation. Absurdly, they even dared to claim that the law does not violate human rights but only regulates the field of education and information.

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Revision History (2)

edited by davina82. add information + statut

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
Value(REMOVED)Imprisonment as punishment
Special StatusN/AImprisonment as punishment
Start Date(unknown)Feb 12, 2024
DescriptionN/A in TransnistriaAny public expression of support or sympathy for members of the LGBT community could be punishable by fines, arrest, or even imprisonment. A bill banning “propaganda of homosexuality” was submitted to the TMR’s “Supreme Council” on February 12, 2024. Its authors claim that the purpose of the law is to protect “traditional family values” and “the moral health of the nation. Absurdly, they even dared to claim that the law does not violate human rights but only regulates the field of education and information.
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N/A in Transnistria Any public expression of support or sympathy for members of the LGBT community could be punishable by fines, arrest, or even imprisonment. A bill banning “propaganda of homosexuality” was submitted to the TMR’s “Supreme Council” on February 12, 2024. Its authors claim that the purpose of the law is to protect “traditional family values” and “the moral health of the nation. Absurdly, they even dared to claim that the law does not violate human rights but only regulates the field of education and information.
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https://www.strasbourg-europe.eu https://lgbti-consortium.org.ua/en/media/u-nevyznanomu-prydnistrov-yi-planuyut-zaboronyty-propagandu-lgbt/

created by l_hrz

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionN/A in Transnistria