Entry #12549: Same-sex marriage in Romania

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
Start Date2009
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe so called Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009) places a statutory ban on same-sex marriage in Romania.

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Revision History (34)

edited by Doomdorm64. updating

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionThe so called Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009) places a constitutional ban on same sex marriage in Romania The so called Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009) places a statutory ban on same-sex marriage in Romania.
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The so called Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009) places a constitutional ban on same sex marriage in Romania statutory ban on same-sex marriage in Romania.
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https://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0. https://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0. https://legeaz.net/noul-cod-civil/art-259-casatoria-dispozitii-speciale-incetarea-persoanei-juridice

edited by Canadianstudent03. The previous status didn’t stay true to the source

Old Value New Value
Start DateJan 20182009
DescriptionRomania does not recognise same sex marriages, Including foreign ones. The so called Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009) places a constitutional ban on same sex marriage in Romania
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Romania does not recognise same sex marriages, Including foreign ones. The so called Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009) places a constitutional ban on same sex marriage in Romania
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Same-sex marriage is not banned by the constituition"

edited by Canadianstudent03. The previous status was incorrect

Old Value New Value
ValueForeign same-sex marriages recognized onlyUnrecognized
DescriptionMarriage is defined between a man and a woman, But foreign marriages are recognised under EU pressure. Civil unions pendingRomania does not recognise same sex marriages, Including foreign ones.
Show Difference
Marriage is defined between a man and a woman, But foreign marriages are recognised under EU pressure. Civil unions pending Romania does not recognise same sex marriages, Including foreign ones.
Reports (3)
  • Newer law has been passed "Foreign Same-sex marriages are recognised only "
  • Newer law has been passed "Foreign Same-sex marriages are recognised https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition_of_same-sex_unions_in_Europe"
  • Newer law has been passed "Canadianstudent03 is vandalising as he says on other countries EU members must recognise foreign Same-sex marriages and Romania is in the EU some sort of troll"

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
DescriptionMarriage is defined between a man and a woman, as of 2023 no foreign same sex marriages have been recognized in the country. Civil unions pending.Marriage is defined between a man and a woman, But foreign marriages are recognised under EU pressure. Civil unions pending
Show Difference
Marriage is defined between a man and a woman, as of 2023 no foreign same sex marriages have been recognized in the country. Civil unions pending. But foreign marriages are recognised under EU pressure. Civil unions pending
Sourceshttps://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0. Foreign gay marriages are not currently recognized in Romania, please stop. As lf 2023 no marriages between same sex people have been recognized in Romania, stop putting misinformation, thank you!:)https://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0.
Show Difference
https://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0. Foreign gay marriages are not currently recognized in Romania, please stop. As lf 2023 no marriages between same sex people have been recognized in Romania, stop putting misinformation, thank you!:)
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
ValueUnrecognizedForeign same-sex marriages recognized only

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
Sourceshttps://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0. FOREIGN GAY MARRIAGE ARE NOT RECOGNIZED IN ROMANIA! STOP!https://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0. Foreign gay marriages are not currently recognized in Romania, please stop. As lf 2023 no marriages between same sex people have been recognized in Romania, stop putting misinformation, thank you!:)
Show Difference
https://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0. FOREIGN GAY MARRIAGE ARE NOT RECOGNIZED IN ROMANIA! STOP! Foreign gay marriages are not currently recognized in Romania, please stop. As lf 2023 no marriages between same sex people have been recognized in Romania, stop putting misinformation, thank you!:)

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
ValueForeign same-sex marriages recognized onlyUnrecognized
DescriptionMarriage is defined between a man and a woman but foreign marriages are recognised. Canadianstudent03 once again saying I vandalised while he is vandalising Marriage is defined between a man and a woman, as of 2023 no foreign same sex marriages have been recognized in the country. Civil unions pending.
Show Difference
Marriage is defined between a man and a woman but foreign marriages are recognised. Canadianstudent03 once again saying I vandalised while he is vandalising woman, as of 2023 no foreign same sex marriages have been recognized in the country. Civil unions pending.
Sourceshttps://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0https://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0. FOREIGN GAY MARRIAGE ARE NOT RECOGNIZED IN ROMANIA! STOP!
Show Difference
https://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0 https://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0. FOREIGN GAY MARRIAGE ARE NOT RECOGNIZED IN ROMANIA! STOP!

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct

Old Value New Value
ValueUnrecognizedForeign same-sex marriages recognized only
DescriptionAll forms of same sex marriage aren’t recognised in Romania. This article was vandalised by Vito12 and provided no sources for their claims Marriage is defined between a man and a woman but foreign marriages are recognised. Canadianstudent03 once again saying I vandalised while he is vandalising
Show Difference
All forms of same sex marriage aren’t recognised in Romania. This article was vandalised by Vito12 and provided no sources for their claims Marriage is defined between a man and a woman but foreign marriages are recognised. Canadianstudent03 once again saying I vandalised while he is vandalising

edited by Canadianstudent03. All forms of same sex marriage aren’t recognised in Romania. This article was vandalised by Vito12.

Old Value New Value
ValueForeign same-sex marriages recognized onlyUnrecognized
DescriptionYet other mods are still abusing this.

Foreign same-sex marriages are recognised only in Romania under EU pressure. Civil unions pending
All forms of same sex marriage aren’t recognised in Romania. This article was vandalised by Vito12 and provided no sources for their claims
Show Difference
Yet other mods are still abusing this. Foreign same-sex marriages are recognised only in Romania under EU pressure. Civil unions pending All forms of same sex marriage aren’t recognised in Romania. This article was vandalised by Vito12 and provided no sources for their claims

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
ValueUnrecognizedForeign same-sex marriages recognized only
DescriptionUnrecognised as of 2023, though this could change in the future as same sex marriage isn’t banned in Romania’s constitution Yet other mods are still abusing this.

Foreign same-sex marriages are recognised only in Romania under EU pressure. Civil unions pending
Show Difference
Unrecognised as of 2023, though this could change in the future as same sex marriage isn’t banned in Romania’s constitution Yet other mods are still abusing this. Foreign same-sex marriages are recognised only in Romania under EU pressure. Civil unions pending

edited by Canadianstudent03. Unrecognised as of 2023, though this could change in the future

Old Value New Value

edited by Canadianstudent03. Unrecognised as of 2023, though this could change in the future

Old Value New Value
ValueForeign same-sex marriages recognized onlyUnrecognized
DescriptionSamuel_NOT_Samuele is continuing to violate the Website. He Is using info by saying the "government is homophobic" Please do not listen to Samuel_NOT_Samuele as his info is clueless. Also a person named Marius is an abuser too. He has changed homosexuality in Romania Illegal and just abusing. Also they both have been abusing the protections and the sources don't show what they are saying. Please do not listen to the two as they are mainly abusing

Foreign same-sex marriages are recognised in The Republic of Romania, There is also no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Civil unions pending.
Unrecognised as of 2023, though this could change in the future as same sex marriage isn’t banned in Romania’s constitution
Show Difference
Samuel_NOT_Samuele is continuing to violate the Website. He Is using info by saying the "government is homophobic" Please do not listen to Samuel_NOT_Samuele as his info is clueless. Also a person named Marius is an abuser too. He has changed homosexuality in Romania Illegal and just abusing. Also they both have been abusing the protections and the sources don't show what they are saying. Please do not listen to the two as they are mainly abusing Foreign same-sex marriages are recognised in The Republic of Romania, There is also no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Civil unions pending. Unrecognised as of 2023, though this could change in the future as same sex marriage isn’t banned in Romania’s constitution

Show Difference
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition_of_same-sex_unions_in_Romania https://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0 https://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
DescriptionSamuel_NOT_Samuele is continuing to violate the Website. He Is using info by saying the "government is homophobic" Please do not listen to Samuel_NOT_Samuele as his info is clueless.

Foreign same-sex marriages are recognised in The Republic of Romania, There is also no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Civil unions pending.
Samuel_NOT_Samuele is continuing to violate the Website. He Is using info by saying the "government is homophobic" Please do not listen to Samuel_NOT_Samuele as his info is clueless. Also a person named Marius is an abuser too. He has changed homosexuality in Romania Illegal and just abusing. Also they both have been abusing the protections and the sources don't show what they are saying. Please do not listen to the two as they are mainly abusing

Foreign same-sex marriages are recognised in The Republic of Romania, There is also no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Civil unions pending.
Show Difference
Samuel_NOT_Samuele is continuing to violate the Website. He Is using info by saying the "government is homophobic" Please do not listen to Samuel_NOT_Samuele as his info is clueless. Foreign same-sex marriages are recognised in The Republic of Romania, There is also no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Civil unions pending. clueless. Also a person named Marius is an abuser too. He has changed homosexuality in Romania Illegal and just abusing. Also they both have been abusing the protections and the sources don't show what they are saying. Please do not listen to the two as they are mainly abusing Foreign same-sex marriages are recognised in The Republic of Romania, There is also no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Civil unions pending.

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct

Old Value New Value
ValueUnrecognizedForeign same-sex marriages recognized only
DescriptionThe Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. No constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Technically foreign same sex marriage should be recognized, but they AREN’T becuase of the homophobic goverment.Samuel_NOT_Samuele is continuing to violate the Website. He Is using info by saying the "government is homophobic" Please do not listen to Samuel_NOT_Samuele as his info is clueless.

Foreign same-sex marriages are recognised in The Republic of Romania, There is also no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Civil unions pending.
Show Difference
The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. No constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Technically foreign same sex marriage should be recognized, but they AREN’T becuase of the homophobic goverment. Samuel_NOT_Samuele is continuing to violate the Website. He Is using info by saying the "government is homophobic" Please do not listen to Samuel_NOT_Samuele as his info is clueless. Foreign same-sex marriages are recognised in The Republic of Romania, There is also no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Civil unions pending.

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. foreign gay marriage are NOT recognized or registered in Romania even though they are forced to do so, stop vandalizing this page, thank you:)

Old Value New Value
ValueForeign same-sex marriages recognized onlyUnrecognized
DescriptionThe Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman but foreign marriages are recognised. Also there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. I should also point out people like Samuel_NOT_Samuele and Marius are abusing the website. The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. No constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Technically foreign same sex marriage should be recognized, but they AREN’T becuase of the homophobic goverment.
Show Difference
The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman but foreign marriages are recognised. Also there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. I should also point out people like Samuel_NOT_Samuele and Marius are abusing the website. woman. No constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Technically foreign same sex marriage should be recognized, but they AREN’T becuase of the homophobic goverment.
Show Difference
https://www.ilga-europe.org/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition_of_same-sex_unions_in_Romania https://rainbow-europe.org/#8655/0/0

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman but foreign marriages are recognised. Also there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. I should also point out people like Samuel and Marius are abusing the website. The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman but foreign marriages are recognised. Also there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. I should also point out people like Samuel_NOT_Samuele and Marius are abusing the website.
Show Difference
The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman but foreign marriages are recognised. Also there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. I should also point out people like Samuel and Marius are abusing the website. Samuel_NOT_Samuele and Marius are abusing the website.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Vito12 changed the status incorrectly "

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct

Old Value New Value
ValueBannedForeign same-sex marriages recognized only
Start DateSep 2018Jan 2018
DescriptionThe Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman so gay marriage is NOT legal.The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman but foreign marriages are recognised. Also there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. I should also point out people like Samuel and Marius are abusing the website.
Show Difference
The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman so gay marriage is NOT legal. but foreign marriages are recognised. Also there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. I should also point out people like Samuel and Marius are abusing the website.

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguous(REMOVED)
Start DateJun 10, 2023Sep 2018
DescriptionThe Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman.The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman so gay marriage is NOT legal.
Show Difference
The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. woman so gay marriage is NOT legal.

edited by Andrei. Now is good

Old Value New Value
ValueForeign same-sex marriages recognized only(REMOVED)
Special Status(REMOVED)Ambiguous
DescriptionThe Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman however foreign same-sex marriages are recognisedThe Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman.
Show Difference
The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman however foreign same-sex marriages are recognised woman.

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
ValueBannedForeign same-sex marriages recognized only
DescriptionThe Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman however foreign same-sex marriages are recognised
Show Difference
The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. woman however foreign same-sex marriages are recognised

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
Special StatusN/A(REMOVED)
DescriptionThe Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. However there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage and pressure from EU to recognise same-sex marriagesThe Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman.
Show Difference
The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. However there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage and pressure from EU to recognise same-sex marriages

edited by Andrei. Now is good

Old Value New Value
ValueForeign same-sex marriages recognized only(REMOVED)
Special Status(REMOVED)N/A

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
ValueBannedForeign same-sex marriages recognized only
DescriptionThe Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. However there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage and pressure from EU to recognise same-sex marriages
Show Difference
The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman woman. However there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage and pressure from EU to recognise same-sex marriages

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
Special StatusN/A(REMOVED)

edited by Andrei. Better

Old Value New Value
ValueForeign same-sex marriages recognized only(REMOVED)
Special Status(REMOVED)N/A
DescriptionThere is no constitutional ban on gay marriage in Romania. Civil unions pending The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman
Show Difference
There is no constitutional ban on gay marriage in Romania. Civil unions pending The Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
ValueBannedForeign same-sex marriages recognized only
DescriptionThe Romanian Civil Code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. There is no constitutional ban on gay marriage in Romania. Civil unions pending
Show Difference
The Romanian Civil Code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. There is no constitutional ban on gay marriage in Romania. Civil unions pending

edited by Andrei. Now is good

Old Value New Value
Special StatusN/A(REMOVED)

edited by Andrei. Better

Old Value New Value
ValueForeign same-sex marriages recognized only(REMOVED)
Special Status(REMOVED)N/A
DescriptionThe Romanian state recognises only foreign same-sex marriages. However, the Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. The Romanian Civil Code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman.
Show Difference
The Romanian state recognises only foreign same-sex marriages. However, the Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman. Civil Code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman.

edited by Andrei. Better

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Romanian state recognises foreign same-sex marriages and there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Civil unions pending. The Romanian state recognises only foreign same-sex marriages. However, the Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman.
Show Difference
The Romanian state recognises foreign same-sex marriages and there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Civil unions pending. only foreign same-sex marriages. However, the Romanian civil code defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman.

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Romanian state recognises foreign same-sex marriages and there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marrigeThe Romanian state recognises foreign same-sex marriages and there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Civil unions pending.
Show Difference
The Romanian state recognises foreign same-sex marriages and there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marrige marriage. Civil unions pending.

edited by Vito12. Changing

Old Value New Value
ValueUnregistered cohabitationForeign same-sex marriages recognized only
DescriptionThe Romanian state recognizes only foreign marriages of the same sex, with the right of residence. Romania was obliged by the ECHR to take this step. However, the Romanian civil code defines marriage as the freely consented union between a man and a woman.The Romanian state recognises foreign same-sex marriages and there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marrige
Show Difference
The Romanian state recognizes only foreign marriages of the same sex, with the right of residence. Romania was obliged by the ECHR to take this step. However, the Romanian civil code defines marriage as the freely consented union between a man and a woman. recognises foreign same-sex marriages and there is no constitutional ban on same-sex marrige

edited by Marius. Now is good

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueUnrecognizedUnregistered cohabitation
Start Date(unknown)Jun 10, 2023
DescriptionNo recognition of same-sex relationships and the Romanian governmet has no plans to do soThe Romanian state recognizes only foreign marriages of the same sex, with the right of residence. Romania was obliged by the ECHR to take this step. However, the Romanian civil code defines marriage as the freely consented union between a man and a woman.
Show Difference
No recognition of same-sex relationships and the Romanian governmet has no plans to do so The Romanian state recognizes only foreign marriages of the same sex, with the right of residence. Romania was obliged by the ECHR to take this step. However, the Romanian civil code defines marriage as the freely consented union between a man and a woman.

created by Marius

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionNo recognition of same-sex relationships and the Romanian governmet has no plans to do so