Entry #12467: Censorship of LGBT issues in Poland

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Last Version

IssueCensorship of LGBT issues
Start Date(unknown)
End DateJun 1, 2020
DescriptionParts of Poland have Called themselves LGBT “Free Zones” in which pride and other equality events are banned and repressed brutally. Mods without sources have changed this entry to something innacurate

Revision History (21)

deleted by Unknownmiles. Requested for deletion

Old Value New Value (Current)

edited by aesper. wrong status

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Jun 1, 2020
Reports (5)
  • Status is not correct "As of May 2024, all Lgbt free zones have been repealed"
  • Status is not correct "They cancelled the law"
  • Newer law has been passed
  • Other "The LGBT-zones were unenforceable, and meant nothing. Also, most have now been reverted back."
  • Note field is incorrect "LGBT free zones were only used as a form of propaganda by the Law and Justice government to spread hate about the LGBT community in 2019-2020. At no point in time were pride events banned or repressed in voivodeships and counties that deemed themselves 'free of the LGBT ideology'"

edited by Canadianstudent03. Mods without sources have changed this entry to something innacurate

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorshipState-enforced
DescriptionParts of Poland have Called themselves LGBT “Free Zones” in which pride and other equality events are banned and repressed brutally, but as of 2023 this zones doesen’t exists anymoreParts of Poland have Called themselves LGBT “Free Zones” in which pride and other equality events are banned and repressed brutally. Mods without sources have changed this entry to something innacurate
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Parts of Poland have Called themselves LGBT “Free Zones” in which pride and other equality events are banned and repressed brutally, but as of 2023 this zones doesen’t exists anymore brutally. Mods without sources have changed this entry to something innacurate

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)No censorship
DescriptionParts of Poland have Called themselves LGBT “Free Zones” in which pride and other equality events are banned and repressed brutally Parts of Poland have Called themselves LGBT “Free Zones” in which pride and other equality events are banned and repressed brutally, but as of 2023 this zones doesen’t exists anymore
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Parts of Poland have Called themselves LGBT “Free Zones” in which pride and other equality events are banned and repressed brutally brutally, but as of 2023 this zones doesen’t exists anymore

edited by Canadianstudent03. Benjs

Old Value New Value

edited by Canadianstudent03. Benjs

Old Value New Value

edited by Canadianstudent03. Benjs

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorship(REMOVED)
Descriptionno laws restricting freedom of expression on the subject of LGBT+ peopleParts of Poland have Called themselves LGBT “Free Zones” in which pride and other equality events are banned and repressed brutally
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no laws restricting freedom of expression on the subject of LGBT+ people Parts of Poland have Called themselves LGBT “Free Zones” in which pride and other equality events are banned and repressed brutally

edited by JuliaB. no laws restricting freedom of expression on the subject of LGBT+ people

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)No censorship
DescriptionOver a third of the country is a so called “LGBT+ Free Zone” in these regions, Equality marches and Other Events are Harshly Supressed no laws restricting freedom of expression on the subject of LGBT+ people
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Over a third of the country is a so called “LGBT+ Free Zone” in these regions, Equality marches and Other Events are Harshly Supressed no laws restricting freedom of expression on the subject of LGBT+ people

edited by Canadianstudent03. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorship(REMOVED)
DescriptionIn Poland, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.organisations in the country. Over a third of the country is a so called “LGBT+ Free Zone” in these regions, Equality marches and Other Events are Harshly Supressed
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In Poland, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.organisations in the country. Over a third of the country is a so called “LGBT+ Free Zone” in these regions, Equality marches and Other Events are Harshly Supressed

edited by JuliaB. In Poland, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.organisations in the country.

Old Value New Value
ValueState-enforcedNo censorship
DescriptionIn Poland there have been so-called "Charters of the Rights of the Family" adopted by various local governments since 2019. Some recommendations have direct impact of the work and on the functioning of LGBT organisations in the country. Some local governments are currently implementing the Charter. In Poland, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.organisations in the country.
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In Poland there have been so-called "Charters of the Rights of the Family" adopted by various local governments since 2019. Some recommendations have direct impact of the work and on the functioning of LGBT organisations in the country. Some local governments are currently implementing the Charter. Poland, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.organisations in the country.

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. ILGA Europe has stated that in Poland local goverments are trying to block LGBT associations

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorshipState-enforced
DescriptionThe EU does not allow for funding "LGBT-Free" zones and as such, these zones adopted very vague rules regarding censorship - which does NOT ban LGBT content. In Poland there have been so-called "Charters of the Rights of the Family" adopted by various local governments since 2019. Some recommendations have direct impact of the work and on the functioning of LGBT organisations in the country. Some local governments are currently implementing the Charter.
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The EU does not allow for funding "LGBT-Free" zones and as such, these zones adopted very vague rules regarding censorship - which does NOT ban LGBT content. In Poland there have been so-called "Charters of the Rights of the Family" adopted by various local governments since 2019. Some recommendations have direct impact of the work and on the functioning of LGBT organisations in the country. Some local governments are currently implementing the Charter.

edited by aesper. status wrong AGAIN

Old Value New Value
ValueState-enforcedNo censorship
DescriptionLGBT-free zones are municipalities and regions of Poland that have declared themselves unwelcoming of LGBT "ideology", in order to ban equality marches and other LGBT events. By June 2020, some 100 municipalities and five voivodeships, encompassing a third of the country, had adopted resolutions which have been characterized as "LGBT-free zones". The EU does not allow for funding "LGBT-Free" zones and as such, these zones adopted very vague rules regarding censorship - which does NOT ban LGBT content.
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LGBT-free zones are municipalities and regions of Poland that have declared themselves unwelcoming of LGBT "ideology", in order to ban equality marches and other LGBT events. By June 2020, some 100 municipalities and five voivodeships, encompassing a third of the country, had adopted resolutions which have been characterized as "LGBT-free zones". The EU does not allow for funding "LGBT-Free" zones and as such, these zones adopted very vague rules regarding censorship - which does NOT ban LGBT content.

edited by Canadianstudent03. There is censorship

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorshipState-enforced
Descriptionthere is no law censoring LGBT+ people in PolandLGBT-free zones are municipalities and regions of Poland that have declared themselves unwelcoming of LGBT "ideology", in order to ban equality marches and other LGBT events. By June 2020, some 100 municipalities and five voivodeships, encompassing a third of the country, had adopted resolutions which have been characterized as "LGBT-free zones".
Show Difference
there is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland LGBT-free zones are municipalities and regions of Poland that have declared themselves unwelcoming of LGBT "ideology", in order to ban equality marches and other LGBT events. By June 2020, some 100 municipalities and five voivodeships, encompassing a third of the country, had adopted resolutions which have been characterized as "LGBT-free zones".
Sourcesthere is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland.https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-54191344

edited by aesper. status incorrect again

Old Value New Value
ValueState-enforcedNo censorship
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct

edited by aesper. status

Old Value New Value
Descriptionthere is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland, but the national television banned LGBT contentthere is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland
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there is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland, but the national television banned LGBT content Poland
Sourcesthere is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland, but the national television banned LGBT contentthere is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland.
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there is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland, but the national television banned LGBT content Poland.

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorshipState-enforced
Descriptionthere is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Polandthere is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland, but the national television banned LGBT content
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there is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland Poland, but the national television banned LGBT content
Sourcesthere is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Polandthere is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland, but the national television banned LGBT content
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there is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland Poland, but the national television banned LGBT content

edited by JuliaB. there is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland

Old Value New Value
ValueState-enforcedNo censorship
DescriptionLGBT content is de-facto bannedthere is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland
SourcesLGBT content is de-facto bannedthere is no law censoring LGBT+ people in Poland

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorshipState-enforced
DescriptionLGBT-free zones are municipalities and regions of Poland that have declared themselves unwelcoming of LGBT "ideology", in order to ban equality marches and other LGBT events. By June 2020, some 100 municipalities and five voivodeships, encompassing a third of the country, had adopted resolutions which have been characterized as "LGBT-free zones". LGBT content is de-facto banned
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LGBT-free zones are municipalities and regions of Poland that have declared themselves unwelcoming of LGBT "ideology", in order to ban equality marches and other LGBT events. By June 2020, some 100 municipalities and five voivodeships, encompassing a third of the country, had adopted resolutions which have been characterized as "LGBT-free zones". content is de-facto banned
Sourcesthere are no state laws restricting the dissemination of LGBT+ endorsement content.LGBT content is de-facto banned
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there are no state laws restricting the dissemination of LGBT+ endorsement content. LGBT content is de-facto banned

edited by aesper. date

Old Value New Value
End DateJun 2020(none)

edited by Canadianstudent03. In more than a third of the country, censorship is state enforced

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(none)Jun 2020
DescriptionMedia are free to speak out about sexual orientation and gender identity and to criticize the government's actions in this matter. Among the largest Polish TV stations and other news services, many of them openly support the rights of LGBT+ people.
In Polish law, there are also no provisions limiting the freedom of assembly of LGBT+ people and there are no provisions limiting the topic of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.
LGBT-free zones are municipalities and regions of Poland that have declared themselves unwelcoming of LGBT "ideology", in order to ban equality marches and other LGBT events. By June 2020, some 100 municipalities and five voivodeships, encompassing a third of the country, had adopted resolutions which have been characterized as "LGBT-free zones".
Show Difference
Media are free to speak out about sexual orientation and gender identity and to criticize the government's actions in this matter. Among the largest Polish TV stations and other news services, many of them openly support the rights of LGBT+ people. In Polish law, there are also no provisions limiting the freedom of assembly of LGBT+ people and there are no provisions limiting the topic of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools. LGBT-free zones are municipalities and regions of Poland that have declared themselves unwelcoming of LGBT "ideology", in order to ban equality marches and other LGBT events. By June 2020, some 100 municipalities and five voivodeships, encompassing a third of the country, had adopted resolutions which have been characterized as "LGBT-free zones".

created by JuliaB

Original entry
StatusNo censorship
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionMedia are free to speak out about sexual orientation and gender identity and to criticize the government's actions in this matter. Among the largest Polish TV stations and other news services, many of them openly support the rights of LGBT+ people. In Polish law, there are also no provisions limiting the freedom of assembly of LGBT+ people and there are no provisions limiting the topic of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.
Sourcesthere are no state laws restricting the dissemination of LGBT+ endorsement content.