Entry #12395: Censorship of LGBT issues in Hungary

Current Version

IssueCensorship of LGBT issues
StatusFine as punishment
Start DateJan 1, 2021
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe government has passed laws banning LGBTQ+ topics from schools.

It also made stores wrap books with LGBTQ+ content in them in a wrapper.

By law there cannot be any LGBTQ+ content containing books near 200 meters of schools or churches. This law has been enforced before.
Reports (1)
  • Duplicate entry

Revision History (4)

edited by varjukollektiva. Someone edited it to incorrect status.

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueOther punishmentFine as punishment

edited by varjukollektiva. Someone edited it to incorrect status.

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Other punishment
Special StatusAmbiguousOther punishment
DescriptionWhile legislation was passed, it’s rarely enforced and often ignored by the Hungarian populace. The government has passed laws banning LGBTQ+ topics from schools.

It also made stores wrap books with LGBTQ+ content in them in a wrapper.

By law there cannot be any LGBTQ+ content containing books near 200 meters of schools or churches. This law has been enforced before.
Show Difference
While legislation was passed, it’s rarely enforced and often ignored by the Hungarian populace. The government has passed laws banning LGBTQ+ topics from schools. It also made stores wrap books with LGBTQ+ content in them in a wrapper. By law there cannot be any LGBTQ+ content containing books near 200 meters of schools or churches. This law has been enforced before.

edited by Canadianstudent03. While legislation was passed, it’s rarely enforced and often ignored by the Hungarian populace.

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueFine as punishment(REMOVED)
Special StatusFine as punishmentAmbiguous
DescriptionLegistlatiton was passed in 2021 which criminalizes any activities showing LGBTQ+ content. Shows that show LGBTQ+ content are forced to play at night, LGBTQ+ content containing books are forced to be wrapped in a single color wrapper. Stores 200 kms near churches or schools are not allowed to sell LGBTQ+ books even wrappedWhile legislation was passed, it’s rarely enforced and often ignored by the Hungarian populace.
Show Difference
Legistlatiton was passed in 2021 which criminalizes any activities showing LGBTQ+ content. Shows that show LGBTQ+ content are forced to play at night, LGBTQ+ content containing books are forced to be wrapped in a single color wrapper. Stores 200 kms near churches or schools are not allowed to sell LGBTQ+ books even wrapped While legislation was passed, it’s rarely enforced and often ignored by the Hungarian populace.
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "There have already been sources sent that it IS in fact enforced quite a lot. This troll shouldn't be able to make edits. JadeTheUnicorn — 07/13/2023 5:55 PM https://telex.hu/kult/2023/07/13/12-millio-forintos-fogyasztovedelmi-birsag-a-liranak-a-budapesti-kormanyhivataltol-lmbtq-ellenes-torveny-konyvek-foliazasa"
  • Status is not correct "A bookstore was fined for not wrapping LGBT-themed publications"

created by varjukollektiva

Original entry
StatusFine as punishment
Start DateJan 1, 2021
End Date(none)
DescriptionLegistlatiton was passed in 2021 which criminalizes any activities showing LGBTQ+ content. Shows that show LGBTQ+ content are forced to play at night, LGBTQ+ content containing books are forced to be wrapped in a single color wrapper. Stores 200 kms near churches or schools are not allowed to sell LGBTQ+ books even wrapped
Reports (1)
  • Note field is incorrect "The last sentence is inaccurate. The law bans the sale of all products depicting -among others- homosexuality and transgender people within 200 METERS of schools, youth protection agencies, and places of worship. Hungarian civil law codex source; §1 (2) here: https://jogkodex.hu/jsz/2021_473_korm_rendelet_2127193 "