Entry #12164: Blood donations by MSMs in Germany

Current Version

IssueBlood donations by MSMs
Start DateApr 1, 2023
End Date(none)
DescriptionOn April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) was amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs.
Accordingly, the amendment to the law obliged the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.

Revision History (6)

edited by Samanthos. Updated time reference

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionOn April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) was amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs.
Accordingly, the amendment to the law is obliging the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.
On April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) was amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs.
Accordingly, the amendment to the law obliged the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.
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On April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) was amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs. Accordingly, the amendment to the law is obliging the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body. obliged the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.

edited by Samanthos. Actualized

Old Value New Value
DescriptionOn April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) will be amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs.
Accordingly, the amendment to the law will oblige the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.
On April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) was amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs.
Accordingly, the amendment to the law is obliging the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.
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On April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) will be amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs. Accordingly, the amendment to the law will oblige the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body. was amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs. Accordingly, the amendment to the law is obliging the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.

edited by Samanthos. Removed trans mention; press release was misleading; sex with trans people by itself is NOT seen as risk behavior.

Old Value New Value
DescriptionOn April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) will be amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs and will cease to class sexual intercourse with transgender people as "sexual risk behavior" (4 month deferral).
Accordingly, the amendment to the law will oblige the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.
On April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) will be amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs.
Accordingly, the amendment to the law will oblige the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.
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On April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) will be amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs and will cease to class sexual intercourse with transgender people as "sexual risk behavior" (4 month deferral). Accordingly, the amendment to the law will oblige the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body. MSMs. Accordingly, the amendment to the law will oblige the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "It's the 1 April of 2023"

edited by Samanthos. Description made more clear

Old Value New Value
DescriptionOn April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) will be amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs and trans people.
Accordingly, the amendment to the law will oblige the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.
On April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) will be amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs and will cease to class sexual intercourse with transgender people as "sexual risk behavior" (4 month deferral).
Accordingly, the amendment to the law will oblige the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.
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On April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) will be amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs and trans people. Accordingly, the amendment to the law will oblige the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body. cease to class sexual intercourse with transgender people as "sexual risk behavior" (4 month deferral). Accordingly, the amendment to the law will oblige the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.

edited by Samanthos. Additional source added

Old Value (Original) New Value
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https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/blutspende-homosexuelle-maenner-101.html https://www.rnd.de/politik/blutspende-karl-lauterbach-will-diskriminierung-von-homosexuellen-beenden-M53TSNVSNVAVXIFUJNFENEO5U4.html https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/blutspende-homosexuelle-maenner-101.html

created by Samanthos

Original entry
Start DateApr 1, 2023
End Date(none)
DescriptionOn April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) will be amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs and trans people. Accordingly, the amendment to the law will oblige the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.