Entry #12155: Right to change legal gender in Spain

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, no restrictions
Start DateDec 22, 2022
End Date(none)
DescriptionOn December 22, 2022, the Spanish Congress approves a "Trans Law"

If the law is approved, this point marks that reports or evidence will no longer be needed for a person to make an official registration change of their gender identity. According to the General Directorate of Sexual Diversity and Rights, this can be done "through a system of double appearance, without medical or judicial protection."
Reports (2)
  • Date is incorrect "28 of February of 2023 NOT DECEMBER 2022 Please change all the status related to this Trans Law. Law 4/2023, of 28 February (BOE of 1 March) https://www.garrigues.com/en_GB/new/spain-labor-measures-law-42023-and-their-enforceability#:~:text=Law%204%2F2023%2C%20of%2028,social%20spheres%2C%20including%20the%20workplace."
  • Note field is incorrect "The law has already been passed. It has been effective since March 2, 2023."

Revision History (1)

created by Humarezft

Original entry
StatusLegal, no restrictions
Start DateDec 22, 2022
End Date(none)
DescriptionOn December 22, 2022, the Spanish Congress approves a "Trans Law" If the law is approved, this point marks that reports or evidence will no longer be needed for a person to make an official registration change of their gender identity. According to the General Directorate of Sexual Diversity and Rights, this can be done "through a system of double appearance, without medical or judicial protection."