Entry #11998: LGBT employment discrimination in Turkey

Current Version

IssueLGBT employment discrimination
StatusNo protections
Start DateSep 24, 2018
End Date(none)
DescriptionAs a matter of fact , in the decision of the 22nd Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation dated 24.09.2018 and numbered 2015/35120 Main, 2018/19675 , it is emphasized that discrimination due to the sexual orientation of the worker is within the scope of the prohibition (although the concept of "sexual preference" is used with an incorrect terminology) : The prohibition of discrimination can be added to this, due to the employee's sexual preference that does not cause any adverse effects in the workplace. Again, discrimination based on factors such as political reasons and worldview should be protected.” However, despite this, discrimination still exists.


Revision History (12)

edited by Pizzaslices412653. Discrimination is common

Old Value New Value (Current)
Value(REMOVED)No protections
Special StatusAmbiguousNo protections
DescriptionAs a matter of fact , in the decision of the 22nd Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation dated 24.09.2018 and numbered 2015/35120 Main, 2018/19675 , it is emphasized that discrimination due to the sexual orientation of the worker is within the scope of the prohibition (although the concept of "sexual preference" is used with an incorrect terminology) : The prohibition of discrimination can be added to this, due to the employee's sexual preference that does not cause any adverse effects in the workplace. Again, discrimination based on factors such as political reasons and worldview should be protected.” As a matter of fact , in the decision of the 22nd Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation dated 24.09.2018 and numbered 2015/35120 Main, 2018/19675 , it is emphasized that discrimination due to the sexual orientation of the worker is within the scope of the prohibition (although the concept of "sexual preference" is used with an incorrect terminology) : The prohibition of discrimination can be added to this, due to the employee's sexual preference that does not cause any adverse effects in the workplace. Again, discrimination based on factors such as political reasons and worldview should be protected.” However, despite this, discrimination still exists.
Show Difference
As a matter of fact , in the decision of the 22nd Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation dated 24.09.2018 and numbered 2015/35120 Main, 2018/19675 , it is emphasized that discrimination due to the sexual orientation of the worker is within the scope of the prohibition (although the concept of "sexual preference" is used with an incorrect terminology) : The prohibition of discrimination can be added to this, due to the employee's sexual preference that does not cause any adverse effects in the workplace. Again, discrimination based on factors such as political reasons and worldview should be protected.” However, despite this, discrimination still exists.

edited by Pizzaslices412653. Most workers in Turkey get discriminated against.

Old Value New Value

Show Difference
https://haber.sol.org.tr/haber/isyerlerinde-ayrimciligin-hukuki-yaptirimi-nedir-8204 https://haber.sol.org.tr/haber/isyerlerinde-ayrimciligin-hukuki-yaptirimi-nedir-8204 https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkish-court-issues-first-verdict-in-gay-garbage-men-case-140871

edited by Pizzaslices412653. There aren't any known laws that protect LGBTQ people from discrimination, making this ambiguous.

Old Value New Value
ValueSexual orientation only(REMOVED)
Special StatusSexual orientation onlyAmbiguous
DescriptionAs a matter of fact , in the decision of the 22nd Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation dated 24.09.2018 and numbered 2015/35120 Main, 2018/19675 , it is emphasized that discrimination due to the sexual orientation of the worker is within the scope of the prohibition (although the concept of "sexual preference" is used with an incorrect terminology) : The prohibition of discrimination can be added to this, due to the employee's sexual preference that does not cause any adverse effects in the workplace. Again, discrimination based on factors such as political reasons and worldview should be protected.” As a matter of fact , in the decision of the 22nd Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation dated 24.09.2018 and numbered 2015/35120 Main, 2018/19675 , it is emphasized that discrimination due to the sexual orientation of the worker is within the scope of the prohibition (although the concept of "sexual preference" is used with an incorrect terminology) : The prohibition of discrimination can be added to this, due to the employee's sexual preference that does not cause any adverse effects in the workplace. Again, discrimination based on factors such as political reasons and worldview should be protected.”
Show Difference
As a matter of fact , in the decision of the 22nd Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation dated 24.09.2018 and numbered 2015/35120 Main, 2018/19675 , it is emphasized that discrimination due to the sexual orientation of the worker is within the scope of the prohibition (although the concept of "sexual preference" is used with an incorrect terminology) : The prohibition of discrimination can be added to this, due to the employee's sexual preference that does not cause any adverse effects in the workplace. Again, discrimination based on factors such as political reasons and worldview should be protected.” "sexual preference" is used with an incorrect terminology) : The prohibition of discrimination can be added to this, due to the employee's sexual preference that does not cause any adverse effects in the workplace. Again, discrimination based on factors such as political reasons and worldview should be protected.”

edited by Buzdolabimotoru. Fixed information, law is still continues

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Sep 24, 2018
End DateSep 24, 2018(none)

edited by Pizzaslices412653. No protections

Old Value New Value
Start DateSep 24, 2018(unknown)

edited by Pizzaslices412653. There aren't any protections to discrimation to LGBT people

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Sep 24, 2018

edited by Buzdolabimotoru. Law is still active

Old Value New Value
End Date-0001(none)

edited by im_h_DEACTIVATED

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)-0001

edited by Buzdolabimotoru

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Sep 24, 2018
End DateSep 24, 2018(none)
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "If you ban LGBT members from Employment, you not be punished."

edited by Pizzaslices412653

Old Value New Value
Start DateSep 24, 2018(unknown)
End Date(none)Sep 24, 2018

edited by _it4_

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueSexual orientation and gender identitySexual orientation only

created by Buzdolabimotoru

Original entry
StatusSexual orientation and gender identity
Start DateSep 24, 2018
End Date(none)
DescriptionAs a matter of fact , in the decision of the 22nd Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation dated 24.09.2018 and numbered 2015/35120 Main, 2018/19675 , it is emphasized that discrimination due to the sexual orientation of the worker is within the scope of the prohibition (although the concept of "sexual preference" is used with an incorrect terminology) : The prohibition of discrimination can be added to this, due to the employee's sexual preference that does not cause any adverse effects in the workplace. Again, discrimination based on factors such as political reasons and worldview should be protected.”