Entry #11526: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Michigan

Current Version

IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
Start DateNov 2, 2021
End Date(none)
DescriptionMichigan does recognize gender X marker on all passports and all government IDs. 2021 Governor Whitmer has stated in a letter to her staff saying that she is allowing people to get X markers on drivers licenses and passports, as well as birth certificates.

In 2022, US State Government allows all passports to have gender marker X. This is only for passports and not for other government issued ids, it is still states discretion for gender markers as of 2024

Revision History (2)

edited by qcksws. Updated with current information and added government links as well as an official letter from the Michigan government

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
DescriptionThe Michigan Secretary of State permits individuals to request a ‘Nonbinary (X)’ sex designation on their state ID and driver’s license.Michigan does recognize gender X marker on all passports and all government IDs. 2021 Governor Whitmer has stated in a letter to her staff saying that she is allowing people to get X markers on drivers licenses and passports, as well as birth certificates.

In 2022, US State Government allows all passports to have gender marker X. This is only for passports and not for other government issued ids, it is still states discretion for gender markers as of 2024
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The Michigan Secretary of State permits individuals to request a ‘Nonbinary (X)’ sex designation on their state ID and driver’s license. does recognize gender X marker on all passports and all government IDs. 2021 Governor Whitmer has stated in a letter to her staff saying that she is allowing people to get X markers on drivers licenses and passports, as well as birth certificates. In 2022, US State Government allows all passports to have gender marker X. This is only for passports and not for other government issued ids, it is still states discretion for gender markers as of 2024
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https://www.michigan.gov/-/media/Project/Websites/sos/34lawens/MDOS_Sex_designation_form.pdf?rev=0aeb2a2653e74ff8858d7a0e59195751 https://www.michigan.gov/-/media/Project/Websites/sos/34lawens/FAQ_How_to_correct_Sex_Designation.pdf?rev=0b35ec0c0eec41fd8110c49fa7a1442e https://www.michiganpublic.org/politics-government/2021-11-04/michigan-will-offer-x-as-a-nonbinary-sex-option-on-drivers-licenses-and-state-id-cards https://drive.google.com/file/d/18x3OwZ1SD4rBWkBTh4Qi3Do7ANYih1Q6/view https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/need-passport/selecting-your-gender-marker.html#:~:text=You%20can%20select%20male%20(M,to%20change%20your%20gender%20marker. https://www.state.gov/x-gender-marker-available-on-u-s-passports-starting-april-11/

created by bohn

Original entry
Start DateNov 2, 2021
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Michigan Secretary of State permits individuals to request a ‘Nonbinary (X)’ sex designation on their state ID and driver’s license.