Entry #11367: Same-sex adoption in Croatia

Current Version

IssueSame-sex adoption
Start DateMay 26, 2022
End Date(none)
DescriptionDespite not having same-sex marriage, Croatia allows joint adoption for same-sex couples. This follows a six-year legal battle which was finally settled when the High Administrative Court rejected an appeal by a government ministry against an earlier ruling by the Zagreb court. The ministry can no longer appeal this verdict.
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "Croatia allows both stepchild and joint adoptions since 2022. Stepchild adoptions were not actually possible until 2022. Since 2014, there was a similar institution called "partner-guardianship", but it did not have full effect like stepchild adoption. And even though both versions of adoptions are possible since 2022, in practice same-sex couples still have problems trying to adopt due to laws and procedures not being modified to allow such adoptions, so new court battles are possibly in plan."
  • Status is not correct "Some correction here. After a final court ruling in 2022, same-sex couples in Croatia have been allowed to adopt children (both stepchild and joint adoptions since 2022). There is an institution similar to stepchild adoption (partner-guardianship) that is available since 2014 (same year when civil unions were introduced), but it is not like an equal stepchild adoption procedurem, with some rights not fully included. So, full stepchild and joint adoptions are only legal in Croatia since 2022, after that final court ruling."

Revision History (2)

edited by beeurd

Old Value (Original) New Value (Current)
Start DateMay 5, 2021May 26, 2022
DescriptionDespite not having same-sex marriage, Croatia allows joint adoption for same-sex couples.Despite not having same-sex marriage, Croatia allows joint adoption for same-sex couples. This follows a six-year legal battle which was finally settled when the High Administrative Court rejected an appeal by a government ministry against an earlier ruling by the Zagreb court. The ministry can no longer appeal this verdict.
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Despite not having same-sex marriage, Croatia allows joint adoption for same-sex couples. This follows a six-year legal battle which was finally settled when the High Administrative Court rejected an appeal by a government ministry against an earlier ruling by the Zagreb court. The ministry can no longer appeal this verdict.
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https://www.crol.hr/index.php/politika-aktivizam/10213-povijesna-odluka-upravnog-suda-zivotni-partneri-u-hrvatskoj-odsad-se-mogu-prijaviti-za-posvajanje-djece?rCH=2 https://www.crol.hr/index.php/politika-aktivizam/10213-povijesna-odluka-upravnog-suda-zivotni-partneri-u-hrvatskoj-odsad-se-mogu-prijaviti-za-posvajanje-djece?rCH=2 https://www.jutarnji.hr/vijesti/hrvatska/sud-donio-povijesnu-odluku-istospolne-partnere-vise-se-ne-smije-diskriminirati-kod-posvajanja-djece-15202514

created by chae

Original entry
Start DateMay 5, 2021
End Date(none)
DescriptionDespite not having same-sex marriage, Croatia allows joint adoption for same-sex couples.
Reports (5)
  • Status is not correct "Since May 26, 2022, after a final court judgement, are same-sex joint adoptions allowed."
  • Date is incorrect "Final decision since 26 May 2022 https://www.tportal.hr/vijesti/clanak/donesena-presuda-istospolni-partneri-mogu-ravnopravno-pristupiti-postupku-posvajanja-djece-20220526"
  • Sources are invalid or broken "On 26 May, 2022, a final court judgement says that same-sex couples have the ability to adopt jointly under same conditions as everyone else. The date is May 26, 2022."
  • Status is not correct "The court's decision regarding this has been appealed and it's current status is that same-sex couple are not allowed to jointly adopt right now."
  • Status is not correct