Entry #11228: Right to change legal gender in Hungary

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
Start DateMay 28, 2020
End Date(none)
DescriptionOn International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender.

On January 31st 2023, the Constitutional Court of Hungary issued a ruling that will continue to block new applications from transgender people for legal gender recognition.

Revision History (12)

edited by Notdog1996. Removing irrelevant information. Right to change legal gender specifically refers to documents. Anti discrimination bills are irrelevant here.

Old Value New Value (Current)
Special StatusAmbiguousIllegal
End DateJan 1, 2021(none)
DescriptionOn International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender, However, there is other pieces of legislation that de facto recognise transgenders such as anti discrimination legislation. Someone has changed the status to illegal despite the legislation still in place On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender.

On January 31st 2023, the Constitutional Court of Hungary issued a ruling that will continue to block new applications from transgender people for legal gender recognition.
Show Difference
On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender, However, there is other pieces of legislation that de facto recognise transgenders such as anti discrimination legislation. Someone has changed the status to illegal despite the legislation still in place gender. On January 31st 2023, the Constitutional Court of Hungary issued a ruling that will continue to block new applications from transgender people for legal gender recognition.
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https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/05/21/hungary-ends-legal-recognition-transgender-and-intersex-people https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/05/21/hungary-ends-legal-recognition-transgender-and-intersex-people https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/02/09/hungary-court-closes-door-transgender-legal-recognition https://www.alkotmanybirosag.hu/uploads/2023/02/sz_iii_2644_2022.pdf

edited by Andrei. Now is good

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Jan 1, 2021
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Doesn't matter that there are anti-discrimination laws. You can't change legal gender"

edited by Canadianstudent03. Someone has changed the status to illegal despite the legislation still in place

Old Value New Value
Special StatusIllegalAmbiguous
DescriptionOn International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender, However, there is other pieces of legislation that de facto recognise transgenders such as anti discrimination legislation On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender, However, there is other pieces of legislation that de facto recognise transgenders such as anti discrimination legislation. Someone has changed the status to illegal despite the legislation still in place
Show Difference
On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender, However, there is other pieces of legislation that de facto recognise transgenders such as anti discrimination legislation legislation. Someone has changed the status to illegal despite the legislation still in place
Reports (3)
  • Duplicate entry
  • Newer law has been passed "A troll or an uninformed person has repeatedly been setting this to ambiguous while it is clearly illegal."
  • Newer law has been passed "Someone please ban this troll. Fidesz has clearly banned gender change in Hungary"

edited by Notdog1996. It is not ambiguous.

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguousIllegal

edited by Canadianstudent03. This law is still activr,

Old Value New Value

edited by Canadianstudent03. This law is still activr,

Old Value New Value
End DateJan 31, 2023(none)
DescriptionOn International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender, However, It is illegal in Hungary to be discriminated for your gender identity and there is other pieces of legislation that de facto recognise transgenders On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender, However, there is other pieces of legislation that de facto recognise transgenders such as anti discrimination legislation
Show Difference
On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender, However, It is illegal in Hungary to be discriminated for your gender identity and there is other pieces of legislation that de facto recognise transgenders such as anti discrimination legislation

edited by Markissik. Due to new entry

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Jan 31, 2023

edited by JohnQuebec98. In Hungary, there is legislation in place that recognises Trans Identity despite gender change being illegal

Old Value New Value
Special StatusIllegalAmbiguous
DescriptionOn International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender, However, It is illegal in Hungary to be discriminated for your gender identity On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender, However, It is illegal in Hungary to be discriminated for your gender identity and there is other pieces of legislation that de facto recognise transgenders
Show Difference
On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender, However, It is illegal in Hungary to be discriminated for your gender identity and there is other pieces of legislation that de facto recognise transgenders
Reports (4)
  • Status is not correct "On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender. While it is technically illegal to discriminate against people based on gender identity that law is rarely, if ever taken seriously. https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/05/21/hungary-ends-legal-recognition-transgender-and-intersex-people"
  • Status is not correct "Status is illegal. Curently there's a law in Hungary that prohibits intersex and transgender people from changing their gender on documents and by this banning medical tradition "
  • Status is not correct "Changing the gender in official papers is prohibited as per the constitution. (I think since 2020)"
  • Status is not correct "Legal gender recognition is clearly banned, trans and intersex people cannot change their name and gender marker in official documents since 2020. The fact that they are protected against dismissal, refusal of services, violence etc. does not change this."

edited by Notdog1996. It is not ambiguous. It is just plainly illegal.

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguousIllegal

edited by JohnQuebec98. Many trusted sources such as Ilga claims gender discrimination is illegal in hungary

Old Value New Value
Special StatusIllegalAmbiguous
DescriptionOn International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender.On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender, However, It is illegal in Hungary to be discriminated for your gender identity
Show Difference
On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender. gender, However, It is illegal in Hungary to be discriminated for your gender identity

edited by beeurd

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start Date(unknown)May 28, 2020
DescriptionHungary’s parliament this week passed a law making it impossible for transgender or intersex people to legally change their gender.On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender.
Show Difference
Hungary’s parliament this week passed a law making it impossible for transgender or intersex people to legally change their gender. On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender.

created by DuffdeNecker

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionHungary’s parliament this week passed a law making it impossible for transgender or intersex people to legally change their gender.