Entry #10214: Censorship of LGBT issues in Mauritania

Current Version

IssueCensorship of LGBT issues
StatusImprisonment as punishment
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Mauritanian authorities uses provisions such as “indecency” and “incitation to debauchery” on those who challenge the country with LGBT social movements.

Revision History (4)

edited by cosmeticplague. Reverting to revision #40899:

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueOther punishmentImprisonment as punishment
Start Date1983(unknown)
DescriptionArticle 264 of the Penal Code (1983) prohibits "songs, cries or speech contrary to good morals" and publicly "drawing attention to an occasion of debauchery" or publishing any such advertisement or correspondence. Furthermore, Article 306 punishes “public contempt of decency and Islamic mores”.
In 2020, police forces arrested ten people at a birthday party. Eight of them were charged under these provisions for “imitating women”.
In August 2023, the screening of "Barbie" was prohibited over claims that the film purportedly served as a “vehicle for moral corruption and contravention of Islamic values”. The ban was communicated by the president of the Advertising Regulatory Authority through his Facebook page (see screen capture). In the announcement, he specified that this decision was made under the guidance and oversight of the Mauritanian Minister of Culture. Additionally, he encouraged individuals to report any perceived instances of "propaganda" to the authorities through "any means".
The Mauritanian authorities uses provisions such as “indecency” and “incitation to debauchery” on those who challenge the country with LGBT social movements.
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Article 264 of the Penal Code (1983) prohibits "songs, cries or speech contrary to good morals" and publicly "drawing attention to an occasion of debauchery" or publishing any such advertisement or correspondence. Furthermore, Article 306 punishes “public contempt of decency and Islamic mores”. In 2020, police forces arrested ten people at a birthday party. Eight of them were charged under these provisions for “imitating women”. In August 2023, the screening of "Barbie" was prohibited over claims that the film purportedly served as a “vehicle for moral corruption and contravention of Islamic values”. The ban was communicated by the president of the Advertising Regulatory Authority through his Facebook page (see screen capture). In the announcement, he specified that this decision was made under the guidance and oversight of the Mauritanian Minister of Culture. Additionally, he encouraged individuals to report any perceived instances of "propaganda" to the authorities through "any means". uses provisions such as “indecency” and “incitation to debauchery” on those who challenge the country with LGBT social movements.
Federal LawYesNo
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https://database.ilga.org/mauritania-lgbti https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/mauritania/

edited by charlie08. fixing statut, other punishment.

Old Value New Value
ValueImprisonment as punishmentOther punishment
Start Date(unknown)1983
DescriptionThe Mauritanian authorities uses provisions such as “indecency” and “incitation to debauchery” on those who challenge the country with LGBT social movements.Article 264 of the Penal Code (1983) prohibits "songs, cries or speech contrary to good morals" and publicly "drawing attention to an occasion of debauchery" or publishing any such advertisement or correspondence. Furthermore, Article 306 punishes “public contempt of decency and Islamic mores”.
In 2020, police forces arrested ten people at a birthday party. Eight of them were charged under these provisions for “imitating women”.
In August 2023, the screening of "Barbie" was prohibited over claims that the film purportedly served as a “vehicle for moral corruption and contravention of Islamic values”. The ban was communicated by the president of the Advertising Regulatory Authority through his Facebook page (see screen capture). In the announcement, he specified that this decision was made under the guidance and oversight of the Mauritanian Minister of Culture. Additionally, he encouraged individuals to report any perceived instances of "propaganda" to the authorities through "any means".
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The Mauritanian authorities uses provisions such as “indecency” and “incitation to debauchery” on those who challenge the country with LGBT social movements. Article 264 of the Penal Code (1983) prohibits "songs, cries or speech contrary to good morals" and publicly "drawing attention to an occasion of debauchery" or publishing any such advertisement or correspondence. Furthermore, Article 306 punishes “public contempt of decency and Islamic mores”. In 2020, police forces arrested ten people at a birthday party. Eight of them were charged under these provisions for “imitating women”. In August 2023, the screening of "Barbie" was prohibited over claims that the film purportedly served as a “vehicle for moral corruption and contravention of Islamic values”. The ban was communicated by the president of the Advertising Regulatory Authority through his Facebook page (see screen capture). In the announcement, he specified that this decision was made under the guidance and oversight of the Mauritanian Minister of Culture. Additionally, he encouraged individuals to report any perceived instances of "propaganda" to the authorities through "any means".
Federal LawNoYes
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https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/mauritania/ https://database.ilga.org/mauritania-lgbti

edited by LGBT_southeastasian

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueNo censorshipImprisonment as punishment
DescriptionIn Mauritania, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.The Mauritanian authorities uses provisions such as “indecency” and “incitation to debauchery” on those who challenge the country with LGBT social movements.
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In Mauritania, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics. The Mauritanian authorities uses provisions such as “indecency” and “incitation to debauchery” on those who challenge the country with LGBT social movements.

created by equaldex

Original entry
StatusNo censorship
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionIn Mauritania, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.