Entry #10120: Censorship of LGBT issues in Poland

Current Version

IssueCensorship of LGBT issues
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Polish government has made frequent attempts to censor LGBT issues on TV or in person by attempting to establish "LGBT free zones". Promises and attempts are being made to move away from this but time will tell how successful they are.

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Revision History (21)

edited by Unknownmiles. Reverting to revision #44364: Entry did not need to be changed

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueNo censorshipState-enforced
DescriptionThere is often no censorship of LGBTQ+ content in Poland.
The Polish government has previously made frequent attempts to censor LGBT issues on TV or in person by attempting to establish "LGBT free zones".
The Polish government has made frequent attempts to censor LGBT issues on TV or in person by attempting to establish "LGBT free zones". Promises and attempts are being made to move away from this but time will tell how successful they are.
Show Difference
There is often no censorship of LGBTQ+ content in Poland. The Polish government has previously made frequent attempts to censor LGBT issues on TV or in person by attempting to establish "LGBT free zones". The Polish government has made frequent attempts to censor LGBT issues on TV or in person by attempting to establish "LGBT free zones". Promises and attempts are being made to move away from this but time will tell how successful they are.
Federal LawYesNo

edited by BlkPride. The censorship should not be seen as official.

Old Value New Value
ValueState-enforcedNo censorship
DescriptionThe Polish government has made frequent attempts to censor LGBT issues on TV or in person by attempting to establish "LGBT free zones". Promises and attempts are being made to move away from this but time will tell how successful they are.There is often no censorship of LGBTQ+ content in Poland.
The Polish government has previously made frequent attempts to censor LGBT issues on TV or in person by attempting to establish "LGBT free zones".
Show Difference
The Polish government has made frequent attempts to censor LGBT issues on TV or in person by attempting to establish "LGBT free zones". Promises and attempts are being made to move away from this but time will tell how successful they are. There is often no censorship of LGBTQ+ content in Poland. The Polish government has previously made frequent attempts to censor LGBT issues on TV or in person by attempting to establish "LGBT free zones".
Federal LawNoYes

edited by jadeywadey. no desc and cleaned/expanded sources

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorshipState-enforced
Start DateJun 2, 2020(unknown)
DescriptionNo censorship. The Polish government has made frequent attempts to censor LGBT issues on TV or in person by attempting to establish "LGBT free zones". Promises and attempts are being made to move away from this but time will tell how successful they are.
Show Difference
No censorship. The Polish government has made frequent attempts to censor LGBT issues on TV or in person by attempting to establish "LGBT free zones". Promises and attempts are being made to move away from this but time will tell how successful they are.
Show Difference
https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/05/17/poland-anti-lgbtq-zones-eu-funding/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/08/09/lgbtq-activists-poland-battle-growing-hostility-countrys-powerful/ https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/03/11/poland-onward-sexuality-specter-lesbian-censorship-translation-russia-pixar-disney/ https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/05/17/poland-anti-lgbtq-zones-eu-funding/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/08/09/lgbtq-activists-poland-battle-growing-hostility-countrys-powerful/ https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/03/11/poland-onward-sexuality-specter-lesbian-censorship-translation-russia-pixar-disney/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68278630

edited by aesper. Stop making stuff up omg

Old Value New Value
ValueOther punishmentNo censorship
DescriptionThe EU Human Rights Commissioner has issued several complaints about several Polish local municipalities for anti-LGBT resolutions they have adopted. LGBT human rights defenders in Poland have become target with several attempts of intimidion and criminalisation of their activism by national and local governments, judicial authorities, and police. No censorship.
Show Difference
The EU Human Rights Commissioner has issued several complaints about several Polish local municipalities for anti-LGBT resolutions they have adopted. LGBT human rights defenders in Poland have become target with several attempts of intimidion and criminalisation of their activism by national and local governments, judicial authorities, and police. No censorship.
Reports (4)
  • Status is not correct "Sources disprove them"
  • Status is not correct "There have been some cases of LGBT censorship in Poland: http://nickalive.blogspot.com/2018/06/poland-bans-loud-house-episodes.html?m=1 https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/03/11/poland-onward-sexuality-specter-lesbian-censorship-translation-russia-pixar-disney/"
  • Status is not correct "There have been some instances of censorship of LGBT content in Poland: https://www.nickalive.net/2018/06/poland-bans-loud-house-episodes.html?m=1 https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/03/11/poland-onward-sexuality-specter-lesbian-censorship-translation-russia-pixar-disney/"
  • Status is not correct "Still has same exclusion zones unfortuantely,some morons are lying."

edited by Canadianstudent03. The previous status was very incorrect

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorshipOther punishment
DescriptionThe polish “LGBT-Free” zones lack funding, are very vague with their descriptions and most have been rejected. There are NO punishments for LGBT news.The EU Human Rights Commissioner has issued several complaints about several Polish local municipalities for anti-LGBT resolutions they have adopted. LGBT human rights defenders in Poland have become target with several attempts of intimidion and criminalisation of their activism by national and local governments, judicial authorities, and police.
Show Difference
The polish “LGBT-Free” zones lack funding, are very vague with their descriptions and most have been rejected. There are NO punishments for LGBT news. EU Human Rights Commissioner has issued several complaints about several Polish local municipalities for anti-LGBT resolutions they have adopted. LGBT human rights defenders in Poland have become target with several attempts of intimidion and criminalisation of their activism by national and local governments, judicial authorities, and police.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "its literally not punished yall are annoying asf ????"

edited by aesper. completely false information (very outdated)

Old Value New Value
ValueOther punishmentNo censorship
DescriptionIn Poland, there is the existence of so called LGBT “Free Zones”, where several Polish regions have declared themselves unwelcome to the LGBT “ideology”. Punishments vary in each of these zones for what the police considers “ideology”. Condemned by the EUThe polish “LGBT-Free” zones lack funding, are very vague with their descriptions and most have been rejected. There are NO punishments for LGBT news.
Show Difference
In Poland, there is the existence of so called LGBT “Free Zones”, where several Polish regions have declared themselves unwelcome to the LGBT “ideology”. Punishments vary in each of these zones for what the police considers “ideology”. Condemned by the EU The polish “LGBT-Free” zones lack funding, are very vague with their descriptions and most have been rejected. There are NO punishments for LGBT news.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct

edited by Canadianstudent03. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorshipOther punishment
Start Date(unknown)Jun 2, 2020
DescriptionDue to EU Laws no censorship regarding LGBT has been put in place.In Poland, there is the existence of so called LGBT “Free Zones”, where several Polish regions have declared themselves unwelcome to the LGBT “ideology”. Punishments vary in each of these zones for what the police considers “ideology”. Condemned by the EU
Show Difference
Due to EU Laws no censorship regarding LGBT has been put in place. In Poland, there is the existence of so called LGBT “Free Zones”, where several Polish regions have declared themselves unwelcome to the LGBT “ideology”. Punishments vary in each of these zones for what the police considers “ideology”. Condemned by the EU

edited by aesper. Edit.

Old Value New Value
End DateJun 1, 2020(none)
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "National public television has been known to cover up rainbow flags in its broadcasts"

edited by aesper. editt

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Jun 1, 2020

edited by aesper. wrong status and too brief description

Old Value New Value
ValueState-enforcedNo censorship
DescriptionIn Poland is censorship.Due to EU Laws no censorship regarding LGBT has been put in place.
Show Difference
In Poland is censorship. Due to EU Laws no censorship regarding LGBT has been put in place.

edited by Andrei. It was a mistake

Old Value New Value
ValueNo censorshipState-enforced
DescriptionIn Poland, there are no laws regarding censorship of LGBT+ people. ,,LGBT-free zones'' have no legal force.In Poland is censorship.
Show Difference
In Poland, there are no laws regarding censorship of LGBT+ people. ,,LGBT-free zones'' have no legal force. Poland is censorship.

edited by JuliaB. In Poland, there are no laws regarding actual censorship of LGBT+ people

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)No censorship
DescriptionThe national government of Poland does not enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, several local authorities in Poland have declared themselves "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited.
Edit: Varies by region; some voivodeships have rejected all “Anti-LGBT” area proposals, however some haven’t/are still pending.
In Poland, there are no laws regarding censorship of LGBT+ people. ,,LGBT-free zones'' have no legal force.
Show Difference
The national government of Poland does not enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, several local authorities in Poland have declared themselves "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited. Edit: Varies by region; some voivodeships have rejected all “Anti-LGBT” area proposals, however some haven’t/are still pending. In Poland, there are no laws regarding censorship of LGBT+ people. ,,LGBT-free zones'' have no legal force.

edited by aesper. Adding this since regions were added now.

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguous(REMOVED)
DescriptionThe national government of Poland does not enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, several local authorities in Poland have declared themselves "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited. The national government of Poland does not enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, several local authorities in Poland have declared themselves "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited.
Edit: Varies by region; some voivodeships have rejected all “Anti-LGBT” area proposals, however some haven’t/are still pending.
Show Difference
The national government of Poland does not enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, several local authorities in Poland have declared themselves "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited. Edit: Varies by region; some voivodeships have rejected all “Anti-LGBT” area proposals, however some haven’t/are still pending.
Reports (1)
  • Date is incorrect "so-called LGBT+-free zones have no legal force."

edited by daikman. typo correction

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe national government of Poland does enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, several local authorities in Poland have declared themselves "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited. The national government of Poland does not enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, several local authorities in Poland have declared themselves "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited.
Show Difference
The national government of Poland does enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, several local authorities in Poland have declared themselves "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited. not enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, several local authorities in Poland have declared themselves "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited.

edited by daikman. grammar correction

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe national government of Poland does enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, there are several local authorities in Poland have been declared "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited. The national government of Poland does enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, several local authorities in Poland have declared themselves "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited.
Show Difference
The national government of Poland does enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, there are several local authorities in Poland have been declared "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited. themselves "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "State-enforced censorship still exists in Poland. All LGBT-related symbols are removed from the media coverage. Some time ago, during an interview with a library employee, the colors of the rainbow hanging in the background were removed Source: https://queer.pl/news/204251/tvp-cenzuruje-teczowa-flage-lgbt"

edited by daikman. spelling correction

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe national government of Poland does enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, the are several local authorities in Poland have been declared "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited. The national government of Poland does enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, there are several local authorities in Poland have been declared "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited.
Show Difference
The national government of Poland does enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, the are several local authorities in Poland have been declared "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited. there are several local authorities in Poland have been declared "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited.

edited by daikman. updated to give more context. I think ambiguous better represents the situation, given that different areas of the country have different situations.

Old Value New Value
Special StatusState-enforcedAmbiguous
DescriptionDiscrimination is illegal under the Polish Constitution. However, in practice the ruling government party has supported several Polish municipalities which have been declared "LGBT-free zones", and LGBT references are removed from broadcasts by state TV and film distributors.The national government of Poland does enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, the are several local authorities in Poland have been declared "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited.
Show Difference
Discrimination is illegal under the Polish Constitution. However, in practice the ruling government party has supported several Polish municipalities which have been declared "LGBT-free zones", and LGBT references are removed from broadcasts by state TV and film distributors. The national government of Poland does enforce censorship of LGBT issues. However, the are several local authorities in Poland have been declared "LGBT-free zones", where "homopropaganda" and LGBT references in education have been prohibited.
Show Difference
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/08/09/lgbtq-activists-poland-battle-growing-hostility-countrys-powerful/ https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/03/11/poland-onward-sexuality-specter-lesbian-censorship-translation-russia-pixar-disney/ https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/05/17/poland-anti-lgbtq-zones-eu-funding/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/08/09/lgbtq-activists-poland-battle-growing-hostility-countrys-powerful/ https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/03/11/poland-onward-sexuality-specter-lesbian-censorship-translation-russia-pixar-disney/

edited by beeurd

Old Value New Value
DescriptionSeveral Polish municipalities have been declared "LGBT-free zones" with support from the ruling party, and LGBT references are removed from broadcasts by state TV and film distributors.Discrimination is illegal under the Polish Constitution. However, in practice the ruling government party has supported several Polish municipalities which have been declared "LGBT-free zones", and LGBT references are removed from broadcasts by state TV and film distributors.
Show Difference
Several Polish municipalities have been declared "LGBT-free zones" with support from the ruling party, and LGBT references are removed from broadcasts by state TV and film distributors. Discrimination is illegal under the Polish Constitution. However, in practice the ruling government party has supported several Polish municipalities which have been declared "LGBT-free zones", and LGBT references are removed from broadcasts by state TV and film distributors.
Reports (7)
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct "https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/05/17/poland-anti-lgbtq-zones-eu-funding/ Polish “lgbt-free” zones have been revoked due to loss of EU funding (2021)."
  • Sources are invalid or broken "In Poland there are no "LGBT free zones". You should check the polish law. Also there are no local "LGBT free zones". There was created a fake news that in Poland there are LGBT free zones implemented by some local governments. Bart Staszewski was the provocateur, who made a photomontage. He made a road board with fiction information, put it under the sign with village name and made a photography of that staging. https://wpolityce.pl/polityka/550772-ujawniamy-prowokacja-staszewskiego-byla-fotomontazem Sometimes forced education about LGBT is in conflict with parents right to raise their children according to their own beliefs. https://ordoiuris.pl/rodzina-i-malzenstwo/deklaracja-troski-o-wychowanie-mlodziezy-i-ochrone-rodziny-stanowisko-rzadu-na"
  • Status is not correct "According to the EU commission, on January 26th 2023, they officially closed the case of the so-called “LGBT-Free Zones” in certain areas of Poland. They also mentioned that none of such zones would ever receive funding from them."
  • Status is not correct "The LGBT issues expression is not forbidden under any law, the state tv station is full of propaganda, but other tv stations, newspapers etc. can freely express on lgbt issues"
  • Status is not correct "There is no censorship of LGBT issues in Poland."
  • Note field is incorrect

edited by beeurd

Old Value New Value
ValueOther punishmentState-enforced
Reports (1)
  • Other "Theoretically it's true, but these LGBT-free zones are against the Polish constitution which forbids all discrimination (article 32)"

edited by beeurd

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueNo censorshipOther punishment
DescriptionIn Poland, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.Several Polish municipalities have been declared "LGBT-free zones" with support from the ruling party, and LGBT references are removed from broadcasts by state TV and film distributors.
Show Difference
In Poland, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics. Several Polish municipalities have been declared "LGBT-free zones" with support from the ruling party, and LGBT references are removed from broadcasts by state TV and film distributors.

created by equaldex

Original entry
StatusNo censorship
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionIn Poland, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.
Reports (1)
  • Other "National TV channel - TVP is censoring every symbol that may be associated with LGBT (for example, singer's make up was deleted because it had rainbow colours. they literally photoshoped her face so the rainbow would not be showing.)"