Entry #10094: Right to change legal gender in New Zealand

Current Version

RegionNew Zealand
IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, but requires medical diagnosis
Start DateFeb 11, 2020
End DateJun 14, 2023
DescriptionLaw was changed to allow trans people to apply through the Family Court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995. Currently through the Family Court, you are required to provide 'supporting evidence' of some form of medical treatment, which does not have to be surgery but may be.

Revision History (5)

edited by Notdog1996. More accurate now that this status is a thing

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueLegal, no restrictionsLegal, but requires medical diagnosis

edited by Carolina2k22. Added new law that goes into effect 15 June 2023, consequential amendment to this

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Jun 14, 2023
DescriptionLaw was changed to allow trans people to apply through the Family Court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995. Currently through the Family Court, you are required to provide 'supporting evidence' of some form of medical treatment, which does not have to be surgery but can be. Gender self-identification is due to become available on 15 June 2023, according to the New Zealand Government website.Law was changed to allow trans people to apply through the Family Court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995. Currently through the Family Court, you are required to provide 'supporting evidence' of some form of medical treatment, which does not have to be surgery but may be.
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Law was changed to allow trans people to apply through the Family Court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995. Currently through the Family Court, you are required to provide 'supporting evidence' of some form of medical treatment, which does not have to be surgery but can be. Gender self-identification is due to become available on 15 June 2023, according to the New Zealand Government website. may be.

edited by Carolina2k22

Old Value New Value
DescriptionLaw was changed to allow trans people to apply through the family court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995. Gender self-identification is due to become available in "mid-2023", according to the Department of Internal Affairs.Law was changed to allow trans people to apply through the Family Court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995. Currently through the Family Court, you are required to provide 'supporting evidence' of some form of medical treatment, which does not have to be surgery but can be. Gender self-identification is due to become available on 15 June 2023, according to the New Zealand Government website.
Show Difference
Law was changed to allow trans people to apply through the family court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995. Gender self-identification is due to become available in "mid-2023", according to the Department of Internal Affairs. Family Court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995. Currently through the Family Court, you are required to provide 'supporting evidence' of some form of medical treatment, which does not have to be surgery but can be. Gender self-identification is due to become available on 15 June 2023, according to the New Zealand Government website.

edited by Carolina2k22

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionLaw was changed to allow trans people to apply through the family court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995.Law was changed to allow trans people to apply through the family court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995. Gender self-identification is due to become available in "mid-2023", according to the Department of Internal Affairs.
Show Difference
Law was changed to allow trans people to apply through the family court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995. Gender self-identification is due to become available in "mid-2023", according to the Department of Internal Affairs.
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https://www.govt.nz/browse/passports-citizenship-and-identity/changing-your-gender/change-the-registered-sex-on-your-birth-certificate/ https://www.govt.nz/browse/passports-citizenship-and-identity/changing-your-gender/change-the-registered-sex-on-your-birth-certificate/ https://www.dia.govt.nz/bdmreview---recognising-gender-on-birth-certificates

created by beeurd

Original entry
StatusLegal, no restrictions
Start DateFeb 11, 2020
End Date(none)
DescriptionLaw was changed to allow trans people to apply through the family court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995.