Entry #10086: Conversion therapy in India

Current Version

IssueConversion therapy
StatusVaries by Region
Start DateJan 1, 2022
End Date(none)
DescriptionConversion therapy is not explicitly prohibited by national law, but medical doctors regulated by the National Medical Council are barred from engaging in it. However, in some regions conversion therapy has been explicitly banned.

Revision History (7)

edited by jadeywadey. improved description

Old Value New Value (Current)

edited by jadeywadey. improved description

Old Value New Value
DescriptionConversion therapy is not explicitly prohibited by national law, but medical doctors regulated by the National Medical Council are barred from engaging in them. However, in one region, Tamil Nadu, conversion therapy is explicitly banned by a High Court order.Conversion therapy is not explicitly prohibited by national law, but medical doctors regulated by the National Medical Council are barred from engaging in it. However, in some regions conversion therapy has been explicitly banned.
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Conversion therapy is not explicitly prohibited by national law, but medical doctors regulated by the National Medical Council are barred from engaging in them. However, in one region, Tamil Nadu, conversion therapy is explicitly banned by a High Court order. it. However, in some regions conversion therapy has been explicitly banned.

edited by sunshineon27. Added some extra sources to solidify the entry and fixed typos in the description for the entry

Old Value New Value
Start DateDec 2022Jan 1, 2022
DescriptionConversion therapies are not explicitly prohibited by national law, but medical doctors regulated by the National Medical Council are barred from engaging in them. However, in one region, Tamil Nadu, conversion therapy's are explicitly banned.Conversion therapy is not explicitly prohibited by national law, but medical doctors regulated by the National Medical Council are barred from engaging in them. However, in one region, Tamil Nadu, conversion therapy is explicitly banned by a High Court order.
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Conversion therapies are not explicitly prohibited by national law, but medical doctors regulated by the National Medical Council are barred from engaging in them. However, in one region, Tamil Nadu, conversion therapy's are explicitly banned. therapy is not explicitly prohibited by national law, but medical doctors regulated by the National Medical Council are barred from engaging in them. However, in one region, Tamil Nadu, conversion therapy is explicitly banned by a High Court order.
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https://database.ilga.org/india-lgbti https://database.ilga.org/india-lgbti https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/india/madras-hc-conversion-therapy-pride-month-b1861601.html https://theprint.in/health/conversion-therapy-for-queer-people-deemed-as-professional-misconduct-says-tn-medical-body/1259743/ https://www.thenewsminute.com/tamil-nadu/conversion-therapy-lgbtqia-persons-banned-india-medical-council-tells-hc-161228

edited by Unknownmiles. some reason month changed so I am changing it back

Old Value New Value
Start DateJan 2022Dec 2022
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "India has banned conversion therapy."

edited by Unknownmiles. forgot to change status lol

Old Value New Value
Special StatusBannedVaries by Region
Start DateDec 2022Jan 2022

edited by Unknownmiles. fixing the status and description

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start DateJun 7, 2021Dec 2022
DescriptionOn 7 June 2021, in delivering the verdict on this case, Justice N Anand Venkatesh prohibited Conversion Therapy with India becoming only the 2nd country in Asia to ban conversion therapy behind TaiwanConversion therapies are not explicitly prohibited by national law, but medical doctors regulated by the National Medical Council are barred from engaging in them. However, in one region, Tamil Nadu, conversion therapy's are explicitly banned.
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On 7 June 2021, in delivering the verdict on this case, Justice N Anand Venkatesh prohibited Conversion Therapy with India becoming only the 2nd country in Asia to ban conversion therapy behind Taiwan therapies are not explicitly prohibited by national law, but medical doctors regulated by the National Medical Council are barred from engaging in them. However, in one region, Tamil Nadu, conversion therapy's are explicitly banned.
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https://www.reuters.com/world/india/indian-court-calls-sweeping-reforms-respect-lgbt-rights-2021-06-07/ https://database.ilga.org/india-lgbti

created by Antinousosiris

Original entry
Start DateJun 7, 2021
End Date(none)
DescriptionOn 7 June 2021, in delivering the verdict on this case, Justice N Anand Venkatesh prohibited Conversion Therapy with India becoming only the 2nd country in Asia to ban conversion therapy behind Taiwan
Reports (3)
  • Status is not correct "The Conversion Therapy is banned only for evidence-based medical practitioners, who are regulated under National Medical Commission. But, faith-based practitioners and indigenous medical practitioners such as Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa, and Homeopathy practitioners can provide Conversion Therapy. https://theleaflet.in/national-medical-commission-declares-conversion-therapy-as-professional-misconduct-but-it-is-not-enough/"
  • Other "This is just a hign court judge's rambling. If it were something like a constitutional declaration from the supreme court then newer law would have been passed. No special laws exist in india banning conversion therapies. "
  • Status is not correct "The information stated is partially correct that conversion therapy is banned, but that is only in one state, (The state of Tamil Nadu), where a high court (The state court) declared the practice to be crap, this ruling does not apply the rest of India and thus classifying India as a country where conversion therapy is banned is purely crap, as it is rampant everywhere and is only stopped by one state court "