Entry #10068: Conversion therapy in Albania

Current Version

IssueConversion therapy
Start DateMay 16, 2020
End Date(none)
DescriptionAlbania's order of psychologists has banned so-called "conversion therapy". To legally practice as a therapist in Albania you must be a member of and follow the rules of Albania's order of psychologists.

Revision History (4)

edited by jadeywadey. improving date, sources and desc

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateJan 1, 2020May 16, 2020
DescriptionAlbania's psychologists have banned so-called "conversion therapy", which tries to change the sexual orientation of young LGBT people, a move hailed on Saturday by the country's rights groups.Albania's order of psychologists has banned so-called "conversion therapy". To legally practice as a therapist in Albania you must be a member of and follow the rules of Albania's order of psychologists.
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Albania's psychologists have banned so-called "conversion therapy", which tries to change the sexual orientation of young LGBT people, a move hailed on Saturday by the country's rights groups. order of psychologists has banned so-called "conversion therapy". To legally practice as a therapist in Albania you must be a member of and follow the rules of Albania's order of psychologists.
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https://www.france24.com/en/20200516-albania-becomes-third-european-country-to-ban-gay-conversion-therapy https://www.france24.com/en/20200516-albania-becomes-third-european-country-to-ban-gay-conversion-therapy https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/05/20/albanian-psychologists-prohibit-anti-lgbt-conversion-therapy https://apnews.com/general-news-international-news-99cd641ad6344a3e29caaabb36873b83

edited by emylrx. modification of an error, it's banned

Old Value New Value
ValueNot bannedBanned
DescriptionPsychologists are arguing with the government that conversion therapy should be banned. No law actually has been in place by the Albania government. Albania has not made a comment to ban conversion therapy Albania's psychologists have banned so-called "conversion therapy", which tries to change the sexual orientation of young LGBT people, a move hailed on Saturday by the country's rights groups.
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Psychologists are arguing with the government that conversion therapy should be banned. No law actually has been in place by the Albania government. Albania has not made a comment to ban conversion therapy Albania's psychologists have banned so-called "conversion therapy", which tries to change the sexual orientation of young LGBT people, a move hailed on Saturday by the country's rights groups.

edited by qcksws. Psychologists are only making a say about the conversion therapy. Government has not made a law

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueBannedNot banned
Start DateMay 20202020
DescriptionBanned for minors.Psychologists are arguing with the government that conversion therapy should be banned. No law actually has been in place by the Albania government. Albania has not made a comment to ban conversion therapy
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Banned for minors. Psychologists are arguing with the government that conversion therapy should be banned. No law actually has been in place by the Albania government. Albania has not made a comment to ban conversion therapy
Reports (5)
  • Status is not correct "Read the source and the title says Albania banned conversion therapy "
  • Status is not correct "The source disproves it"
  • Status is not correct "The conversion therapy has been banned by the order of psychologists in 2020. "
  • Status is not correct "https://www.france24.com/en/20200516-albania-becomes-third-european-country-to-ban-gay-conversion-therapy"
  • Newer law has been passed "Conversion Therapy has been banned"

created by beeurd

Original entry
Start DateMay 2020
End Date(none)
DescriptionBanned for minors.