Entry #10039: Conversion therapy in Germany

Current Version

IssueConversion therapy
Start DateJun 24, 2020
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned.

Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000.
Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor, or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition, is punishable by up to a year of imprisonment or a fine.
Sourceshttps://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/konvbehschg/index.html https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/en/press/press-release/en/press/2020/conversion-treatments.html

Revision History (11)

edited by Samanthos. Wording

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionThe Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned.

Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000.
Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor, or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition, is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine.
The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned.

Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000.
Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor, or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition, is punishable by up to a year of imprisonment or a fine.
Show Difference
The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned. Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000. Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor, or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition, is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine. of imprisonment or a fine.

edited by Samanthos. comma..

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned.

Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000.
Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor, or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine.
The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned.

Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000.
Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor, or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition, is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine.
Show Difference
The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned. Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000. Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor, or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine. volition, is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine.

edited by Samanthos. Oxford comma :3

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned.

Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000.
Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine.
The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned.

Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000.
Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor, or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine.
Show Difference
The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned. Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000. Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine. minor, or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine.

edited by Samanthos. Typo

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition is also explicitly banned.

Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000.
Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine.
The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned.

Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000.
Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine.
Show Difference
The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition is also explicitly banned. Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000. Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine. volition, is also explicitly banned. Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000. Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine.

edited by Samanthos. Clarified the law, including punishments

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) fully bans conversion therapy for minors. Conversion therapy for persons of legal age is banned for those whose consent was obtained without their volition. The law includes a ban on advertising, providing and arranging conversion therapy.The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition is also explicitly banned.

Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000.
Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine.
Show Difference
The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) fully bans conversion therapy for minors. Conversion therapy for persons of legal age is banned for those whose consent was obtained without their volition. The law includes a ban on advertising, providing and arranging conversion therapy. providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition is also explicitly banned. Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000. Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition is punishable by up to a year in prison or a fine.

edited by Samanthos. Formatting

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) fully bans conversion therapy for minors. Conversion therapy for persons of legal age is banned for those whose consent was obtained without their volition. The law includes a ban on advertising, providing and arranging conversion therapy.The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) fully bans conversion therapy for minors. Conversion therapy for persons of legal age is banned for those whose consent was obtained without their volition. The law includes a ban on advertising, providing and arranging conversion therapy.
Show Difference
The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) fully bans conversion therapy for minors. Conversion therapy for persons of legal age is banned for those whose consent was obtained without their volition. The law includes a ban on advertising, providing and arranging conversion therapy. (KonvBehSchG) fully bans conversion therapy for minors. Conversion therapy for persons of legal age is banned for those whose consent was obtained without their volition. The law includes a ban on advertising, providing and arranging conversion therapy.

edited by Samanthos

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) Conversion Therapy fully bans conversion therapy for minors. Conversion therapy for persons of legal age is banned for those whose consent was obtained without their volition. The law includes a ban on advertising, providing and arranging conversion therapy.The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) fully bans conversion therapy for minors. Conversion therapy for persons of legal age is banned for those whose consent was obtained without their volition. The law includes a ban on advertising, providing and arranging conversion therapy.
Show Difference
The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) Conversion Therapy fully bans conversion therapy for minors. Conversion therapy for persons of legal age is banned for those whose consent was obtained without their volition. The law includes a ban on advertising, providing and arranging conversion therapy.

edited by Samanthos

Old Value New Value
Start DateMar 8, 2020Jun 24, 2020
DescriptionOn the 7th of March Germany banned Conversion Therapy for minors.The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) Conversion Therapy fully bans conversion therapy for minors. Conversion therapy for persons of legal age is banned for those whose consent was obtained without their volition. The law includes a ban on advertising, providing and arranging conversion therapy.
Show Difference
On the 7th of March Germany banned Conversion Therapy for minors. The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) Conversion Therapy fully bans conversion therapy for minors. Conversion therapy for persons of legal age is banned for those whose consent was obtained without their volition. The law includes a ban on advertising, providing and arranging conversion therapy.
https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/konvbehschg/index.html https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/en/press/press-release/en/press/2020/conversion-treatments.html
Show Difference
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-52585162 https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/en/press/2020/conversion-treatments.html https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/konvbehschg/index.html https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/en/press/press-release/en/press/2020/conversion-treatments.html

edited by beeurd

Old Value New Value
End Date0000(none)

edited by myri

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date-00010000

created by myri

Original entry
Start DateMar 8, 2020
End Date-0001
DescriptionOn the 7th of March Germany banned Conversion Therapy for minors.
Sourceshttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-52585162 https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/en/press/2020/conversion-treatments.html