Homosexual activityLegal
Since 1858
Same-sex marriageUnrecognized
Censorship of LGBT issuesState-enforced
Right to change legal genderLegal, but requires surgery
Since 2017
Gender-affirming careLegal
Since 2009
Legal recognition of non-binary genderNot legally recognized
LGBT discriminationIllegal in some contexts
Since 2016
LGBT employment discriminationSexual orientation only
Since 2018
LGBT housing discriminationNo protections
Since 1858
Same-sex adoptionSingle only
Intersex infant surgeryNot banned
Serving openly in militaryIllegal
Blood donations by MSMsBanned (indefinite deferral)
Since 1980
Conversion therapyNot banned
Equal age of consentEqual
Since 1858
Data provided in partnership with Equaldex