Entry #4513: LGBT discrimination in Vatican City

Current Version

RegionVatican City
IssueLGBT discrimination
StatusNo protections
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionNothing exactly in Vatican city.
Reports (1)
  • Other "Discrimination is legal but not socially tolerated"

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Revision History (4)

edited by Markissik. Both sources didn't contain information about discrimination protections. The first one wasn't even related to the topic, so I removed it

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueIllegal in some contextsNo protections
DescriptionThe pope just changed the attitude towards lgbt people. From nationwide discrimination employment protections but nothing exactly in Vatican city Nothing exactly in Vatican city.
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The pope just changed the attitude towards lgbt people. From nationwide discrimination employment protections but nothing exactly in Vatican city Nothing exactly in Vatican city.

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http://time.com/3975630/pope-francis-lgbt-issues/ https://ilga.org/downloads/2017/ILGA_WorldMap_ENGLISH_Protection_2017.pdf https://ilga.org/downloads/2017/ILGA_WorldMap_ENGLISH_Protection_2017.pdf

edited by Ausyk

Old Value New Value
ValueNo protectionsIllegal in some contexts
DescriptionThe pope just changed the attitude towards lgbt peopleThe pope just changed the attitude towards lgbt people. From nationwide discrimination employment protections but nothing exactly in Vatican city
Show Difference
The pope just changed the attitude towards lgbt people people. From nationwide discrimination employment protections but nothing exactly in Vatican city

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http://time.com/3975630/pope-francis-lgbt-issues/ http://time.com/3975630/pope-francis-lgbt-issues/ https://ilga.org/downloads/2017/ILGA_WorldMap_ENGLISH_Protection_2017.pdf
Reports (3)
  • Status is not correct "There are no protections at all for LGBT people in Vatican City, and they have the right to fire any employee regarding that matter, in context if they declare themselves to be LGBT or are against position of Church on homosexuality."
  • Status is not correct "Adding to my previous comment, I made a slight error. The section claims there ARE nationwide employment discrimination, yet states it in a self-contradicting way. Additionally, the very next section says "There are no employment discrimination bans in Vatican City". Which is it? Vatican City-State no longer follows Italian law since 2008."
  • Status is not correct "This says there are no national employment protections. Which protections are there then? Why are they not listed?"

edited by Ausyk

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionNoThe pope just changed the attitude towards lgbt people

created by Ausyk

Original entry
StatusNo protections
Start Datepast
End Datenow