Entry #2018: Blood donations by MSMs in Peru

Current Version

IssueBlood donations by MSMs
StatusLegal with restrictions
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionCertain gay and lesbian people who have attempted to donate blood in Peru have been rejected because of their sexual orientation. However, there are no laws against gay and lesbian people donating blood so long as they are in good health, but many blood drives have still rejected applications.

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Revision History (3)

edited by Unknownmiles. I accidentally put costa ricas blood donations in here so I fixed it

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueLegalLegal with restrictions
Start DateAug 1, 2006(NONE)
DescriptionCosta Rica lifted its ban on gay and bisexual mean donating blood in August 2006. The ban had been in place for 16 years.Certain gay and lesbian people who have attempted to donate blood in Peru have been rejected because of their sexual orientation. However, there are no laws against gay and lesbian people donating blood so long as they are in good health, but many blood drives have still rejected applications.
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Costa Rica lifted its ban on gay and bisexual mean donating blood in August 2006. The ban had been in place for 16 years. Certain gay and lesbian people who have attempted to donate blood in Peru have been rejected because of their sexual orientation. However, there are no laws against gay and lesbian people donating blood so long as they are in good health, but many blood drives have still rejected applications.
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https://www.thebody.com/article/costa-rica-lifts-ban-gay-blood https://ticotimes.net/2014/05/27/taboo-on-lgbt-blood-donation-lingers-according-to-survey#:~:text=Costa%20Rica%20banned%20gays%20from,S%2C%20published%20in%20the%20Sept. https://distintaslatitudes.net/donar-sangre-si-eres-lgbti-en-america-latina

edited by Unknownmiles. 2 links, summary, and date

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start Date(NONE)Aug 1, 2006
DescriptionNo restriction about gay sex.Costa Rica lifted its ban on gay and bisexual mean donating blood in August 2006. The ban had been in place for 16 years.
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No restriction about gay sex. Costa Rica lifted its ban on gay and bisexual mean donating blood in August 2006. The ban had been in place for 16 years.
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http://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2015/12/151222_salud_paises_prohiben_donar_sangre_homosexuales_lv https://www.thebody.com/article/costa-rica-lifts-ban-gay-blood https://ticotimes.net/2014/05/27/taboo-on-lgbt-blood-donation-lingers-according-to-survey#:~:text=Costa%20Rica%20banned%20gays%20from,S%2C%20published%20in%20the%20Sept.

created by Simo

Original entry
Start Datepast
End Datenow
DescriptionNo restriction about gay sex.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Lived in Peru and worked as a Doctor."